Humor in the Workplace: Lessons Learned at Oslo's Glass Building

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian - Un pódcast de


Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Humor in the Workplace: Lessons Learned at Oslo's Glass Building Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Nb: I hjertet av Oslo, kunne man føle pulsen av byen.En: In the heart of Oslo, one could feel the pulse of the city.Nb: Her møtes mennesker.En: People meet here.Nb: Her jobber folk.En: People work here.Nb: Her, midt i storbyens virvar, sitter Emma, Lars og Sofia i en stor glassbygning, der de deltar i et viktig forretningsmøte.En: Here, in the middle of the big city chaos, Emma, Lars, and Sofia sit in a large glass building, participating in an important business meeting.Nb: Emma er spent.En: Emma is excited.Nb: Hun er ny i jobben.En: She is new to the job.Nb: Lars er sjefen.En: Lars is the boss.Nb: Sofia er Emmas hjelper.En: Sofia is Emma's assistant.Nb: Hun viser Emma hvordan alt fungerer.En: She shows Emma how everything works.Nb: Emma vil gjøre alt riktig.En: Emma wants to do everything right.Nb: Hun vil vise Lars at hun er flink.En: She wants to show Lars that she is good.Nb: Under møtet blir det en pause.En: During the meeting, there is a break.Nb: Arbeidsdagen er lang.En: The workday is long.Nb: Sofia viser Emma hvor kaffemaskinen er.En: Sofia shows Emma where the coffee machine is.Nb: Emma liker kaffe godt.En: Emma likes coffee a lot.Nb: Hun tar en stor kopp til seg selv.En: She takes a big cup for herself.Nb: Så tar hun en til Lars.En: Then she takes one for Lars.Nb: Han har også sagt at han liker kaffe.En: He has also said that he likes coffee.Nb: Men nå skjer det uhell.En: But now an accident happens.Nb: Emma snubler over en stol.En: Emma trips over a chair.Nb: Kaffen hennes flyr gjennom luften og lander på Lars.En: Her coffee flies through the air and lands on Lars.Nb: Lars sitter der med kaffe over alt.En: Lars is sitting there with coffee all over him.Nb: Alle i rommet ser på ham.En: Everyone in the room is looking at him.Nb: Der sitter Lars, med kaffe på dressen.En: There sits Lars, with coffee on his suit.Nb: Han ser overrasket ut.En: He looks surprised.Nb: Emma blir rød.En: Emma turns red.Nb: Hun sier unnskyld til Lars.En: She apologizes to Lars.Nb: Alle i rommet ler.En: Everyone in the room laughs.Nb: Lars ler også.En: Lars laughs too.Nb: Hans dress er ødelagt, men han er ikke sint.En: His suit is ruined, but he is not angry.Nb: Han synes bare dette er morsomt.En: He just finds this funny.Nb: Og Sofia er med på spøken.En: And Sofia joins in on the joke.Nb: Hun sier til Lars "Din nye dress er nå en kaffedress".En: She says to Lars, "Your new suit is now a coffee suit."Nb: Alle ler mer.En: Everyone laughs more.Nb: Emma ler også.En: Emma laughs too.Nb: Hun er ikke flau lenger.En: She is not embarrassed anymore.Nb: Hun ser at alle på kontoret er hyggelig.En: She sees that everyone in the office is nice.Nb: Etter møtet tar Emma og Sofia t-banen hjem.En: After the meeting, Emma and Sofia take the subway home.Nb: De ler når de husker hva som skjedde.En: They laugh as they remember what...

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