Ice Fishing: Catching Fun & Memories

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Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Ice Fishing: Catching Fun & Memories Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Nb: Lars og Ingrid var gode venner som bodde i Oslo.En: Lars and Ingrid were good friends who lived in Oslo.Nb: En dag bestemte de seg for å dra på isfiske sammen.En: One day they decided to go ice fishing together.Nb: Lars hadde aldri prøvd isfiske før og var veldig spent.En: Lars had never tried ice fishing before and was very excited.Nb: De fant et fint sted ved en innsjø, lagde et lite hull i isen og satte seg ned.En: They found a nice spot by a lake, made a small hole in the ice and sat down.Nb: Lars kastet snøret sitt i vannet og ventet tålmodig på at fisken skulle bite.En: Lars threw his line into the water and waited patiently for the fish to bite.Nb: Imens lurte Ingrid på en morsom spøk å spille på Lars.En: In the meantime, Ingrid thought of a funny joke to play on Lars.Nb: Hun hadde med seg en gummifisk, så hun surret den forsiktig fast til snøret til Lars, uten at han la merke til det.En: She had brought a rubber fish with her, so she carefully tied it to Lars' line, without him noticing.Nb: Ingrid kunne nesten ikke vente med å se reaksjonen hans.En: Ingrid could hardly wait to see his reaction.Nb: Plutselig kjente Lars at det nappet i snøret.En: Suddenly Lars felt the line snap.Nb: Han ble så glad og begynte å rulle inn snøret med stor entusiasme.En: He was so happy and started reeling in the line with great enthusiasm.Nb: Ingrid klarte nesten ikke å holde seg alvorlig.En: Ingrid could hardly keep herself serious.Nb: Da Lars fikk opp snøret, ble han både sjokkert og underholdt over det han så.En: When Lars retrieved the line, he was both shocked and amused by what he saw.Nb: I stedet for en ekte fisk, hadde han fått en spretten gummifisk!En: Instead of a real fish, he had been given a bouncy rubber fish!Nb: Ingrid brøt ut i latter, og Lars klarte ikke å la være å le med.En: Ingrid burst out laughing, and Lars couldn't help but laugh along.Nb: De hadde begge en fantastisk tid på isfisketuren.En: They both had a wonderful time on the ice fishing trip.Nb: Lars lærte mye om isfiske, og skjønte at det ikke alltid handler om å få «ekte» fisk, men om å ha det moro og skape minner.En: Lars learned a lot about ice fishing, and realized that it's not always about catching "real" fish, but about having fun and creating memories.Nb: Tilbake i Oslo kunne de ikke holde munn om den morsomme spøken de hadde spilt på Lars.En: Back in Oslo, they couldn't keep their mouths shut about the funny joke they had played on Lars.Nb: Alle vennene deres le av historien, og det ble snart en av deres favoritthistorier å fortelle når de var sammen.En: All their friends laughed at the story and it soon became one of their favorite stories to tell when they were together.Nb: Så selv om Lars ikke fikk en ekte fisk den dagen, var det likevel en minneverdig og morsom opplevelse som bandt ham og Ingrid enda tettere sammen.En: So even though Lars didn't catch a real fish that day, it was still a memorable and fun experience that bonded him and Ingrid even closer together.Nb: Og når de tenker tilbake på den dagen, kan de ikke hjelpe for at smilene blir store.En: And when they think back to that day, they can't help but smile big. Vocabulary Words:Lars: LarsIngrid: Ingridgood: godfriends:...

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