Lars' Learning Adventure at the Viking Ship Museum

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Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Lars' Learning Adventure at the Viking Ship Museum Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Nb: På Vikingskipsmuseet hadde Lars og Ingrid det gøy.En: Lars and Ingrid had fun at the Viking Ship Museum.Nb: De smilte og lo mens de gikk rundt.En: They smiled and laughed as they walked around.Nb: Lars var spesielt begeistret, for han hadde aldri sett et vikingskip før.En: Lars was particularly excited, because he had never seen a Viking ship before.Nb: Plutselig fikk Lars øye på et skip som så ut til å være nøyaktig som det han hadde leid for en helg på sjøen.En: Suddenly, Lars spotted a ship that looked exactly like the one he had rented for a weekend at sea.Nb: Han ropte til Ingrid: "Se!En: He shouted to Ingrid: "Look!Nb: Det er båten min!"En: That's my boat!"Nb: Ingrid begynte å le høyt og ristet på hodet.En: Ingrid started to laugh out loud and shook her head.Nb: "Lars, det er jo ikke båten din, det er en museumsutstilling!"En: "Lars, it's not your boat, it's a museum exhibit!"Nb: Men Lars ville ikke tro henne.En: But Lars didn't want to believe her.Nb: Han hoppet over tauene og sprang bort til skipet.En: He jumped over the ropes and ran to the ship.Nb: Han klatret opp stigen og begynte å rope "Hei, kapteinen er her!"En: He climbed up the ladder and started shouting "Hey, the captain's here!"Nb: Folkene på museet stirret overrasket på Lars.En: The people at the museum stared at Lars in surprise.Nb: En av de ansatte løp bort til Ingrid og spurte om de kunne hjelpe.En: One of the employees ran up to Ingrid and asked if they could help.Nb: Ingrid, som fortsatt lo, forklarte at Lars hadde forvekslet utstillingen med båten sin.En: Ingrid, still laughing, explained that Lars had mistaken the exhibition for his boat.Nb: Mannen fra museet kom og snakket med Lars og Ingrid.En: The man from the museum came and spoke to Lars and Ingrid.Nb: Lars forsto endelig at han hadde gjort en feil.En: Lars finally understood that he had made a mistake.Nb: Han følte seg dum, men kunne ikke la være å le av seg selv.En: He felt stupid, but couldn't help but laugh at himself.Nb: Mannen fra museet viste Lars og Ingrid rundt på utstillingen.En: The man from the museum showed Lars and Ingrid around the exhibition.Nb: Han forklarte om vikingenes liv og havreiser.En: He explained about the Vikings' lives and sea voyages.Nb: Lars lyttet nøye, og han visste nå at en museumsutstilling er et sted for å lære og oppleve historien.En: Lars listened carefully, and he now knew that a museum exhibition is a place to learn and experience history.Nb: På vei ut fra museet takket Lars og Ingrid mannen for turen og beklaget for alt bråket.En: On the way out of the museum, Lars and Ingrid thanked the man for the trip and apologized for all the noise.Nb: Mannen smilte og sa at det var greit, og at han var glad for at de hadde hatt det moro.En: The man smiled and said that it was all right, and that he was glad they had had fun.Nb: Da de forlot museet, lo Lars igjen og sa: "Jeg trodde virkelig at vikingskipet var båten min!En: As they left the museum, Lars laughed again and said, "I really thought the Viking ship was my boat!Nb: Jeg er virkelig klønete noen ganger!"En: I'm really clumsy sometimes!"Nb: Ingrid fortsatte å le og sa: "Det...

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