Legend of the Sea Beast

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian - Un pódcast de FluentFiction.org


Link to full transcript at https://www.fluentfiction.org/... Fluent Fiction - Norwegianwww.FluentFiction.org/Norwegia... Legend of the Sea Beast Story Transcript: Nb: Det var en tidlig morgen i Lofoten, og Lars og Ingrid var på vei ut til havet for å fiske med resten av gruppen. En: It was an early morning in Lofoten, and Lars and Ingrid were heading out to sea to fish with the rest of the group. Nb: Solen hadde så vidt begynt å stige opp over fjellene da de la ut på sjøen. En: The sun had just begun to rise over the mountains when they put out to sea. Nb: Havet var rolig, og alle var optimistiske om å få en stor fangst. En: The sea was calm and everyone was optimistic about getting a big catch. Nb: Plutselig hørte de en høylydt lyd på avstand. En: Suddenly they heard a loud noise in the distance. Nb: Det var som om en gigantisk skapning plutselig dukket opp. En: It was as if a gigantic creature suddenly appeared. Nb: Alle holdt pusten mens de speidet over vannet. En: Everyone held their breath as they scanned the water. Nb: Lars, som var skipper på båten, bestemte seg for å kjøre nærmere for å sjekke hva som skjedde. En: Lars, who was the skipper of the boat, decided to drive closer to check what was happening. Nb: Sakte men sikkert nærmet de seg det mystiske dyret som fløt i vannet. En: Slowly but surely they approached the mysterious animal floating in the water. Nb: Det var enormt! En: It was huge! Nb: Det var omtrent like stort som båten deres, og hadde en lang rygg som stakk ut av vannet. En: It was about the same size as their boat, and had a long back sticking out of the water. Nb: Ingen visste hva det var. En: Nobody knew what it was. Nb: Alle var redd, men Lars bestemte seg for å ta en sjanse. En: Everyone was scared, but Lars decided to take a chance. Nb: Han tok opp en harpun og skjøt mot dyret for å prøve å drepe det. En: He picked up a harpoon and fired at the animal to try and kill it. Nb: Men det var som om harpunen ikke gjorde noen skade på dyret. En: But it was as if the harpoon did no harm to the animal. Nb: Det fortsatte å flyte på overflaten og se ut som om det var i ferd med å bremse før det så plutselig forsvant ned i dybden. En: It continued to float on the surface looking like it was slowing down before suddenly disappearing into the depths. Nb: Alle begynte å snakke på en gang, og prøvde å forstå hva som hadde skjedd. En: Everyone started talking at once, trying to understand what had happened. Nb: De bestemte seg for å dra tilbake til havnen og fortelle folk hva som hadde skjedd. En: They decided to go back to the harbor and tell the people what had happened. Nb: Folk var skeptiske og kalte historien en løgn. En: People were skeptical and called the story a lie. Nb: Ingen trodde at det var mulig å møte et slikt dyr i Lofoten, men Lars og resten av mannskapet visste hva de hadde sett. En: Nobody thought it was possible to meet such an animal in Lofoten, but Lars and the rest of the crew knew what they had seen. Nb: Selv om de ikke forsto hva dyret var, så stemte de overens i at det var et av de mest skremmende opplevelsene de hadde hatt på havet. En: Although they did not understand what the animal was, they agreed that it was one of the most terrifying experiences they had had at sea. Nb: De dro ut på fisketurer igjen i flere år, men de så aldri det mystiske sjødyret igjen. En: They went...

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