Lifetime of Love: Sigrid & Elias

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian - Un pódcast de


Link to full transcript at Fluent Fiction - Lifetime of Love: Sigrid & Elias Story Transcript: Nb: Sigrid hadde drømt om dette øyeblikket i et år. En: Sigrid had been dreaming of this moment for a year. Nb: Sammen med ektemannen Elias hadde hun endelig tatt turen til Lygna for å feire deres 10-årsjubileum – og for å oppleve skjønnheten i nordlyset. En: Together with her husband Elias, she had finally made the journey to Lygna to celebrate their 10th anniversary – and to experience the beauty of the Northern Lights. Nb: Sigrid og Elias hadde vært gift i 10 år. En: Sigrid and Elias had been married for 10 years. Nb: Årene hadde vært gode, men også vanskelige tider. En: The years had been good, but they had also brought difficult times. Nb: Når de trengte trøst og trøst, søkte de naturens skjønnhet. En: Whenever they needed solace and comfort, they would seek the beauty of nature. Nb: Så i år bestemte de seg for å planlegge en piknik under nordlyset i Lygna. En: So this year, they decided to plan a picnic under the Northern Lights in Lygna. Nb: Det var den perfekte måten å feire jubileet deres og de fantastiske årene de hadde delt sammen. En: It was the perfect way to celebrate their anniversary and the wonderful years they had shared together. Nb: De ankom Lygna en kald vinterdag. En: They arrived in Lygna on a cold winter day. Nb: Himmelen var klar og naturen var fantastisk. En: The sky was clear and the scenery was breathtaking. Nb: De satte opp piknikteppet og åpnet piknikkurven, fylt med alt de skulle trenge for kvelden. En: They set up their picnic blanket and opened their picnic basket, filled with all the things they would need for the evening. Nb: De nippet til varm te og skålte for hverandre med champagne. En: They sipped hot tea and toasted each other with champagne. Nb: De var så glade for å være her sammen, og de snakket om årene de hadde vært gift og eventyrene de hadde delt. En: They were so happy to be here together and they talked about the years they'd been married and the adventures they had shared. Nb: Etter hvert som natten ble mørkere, så de opp og himmelen begynte å fylles med stjerner. En: As the night grew darker, they looked up and the sky began to fill with stars. Nb: Mens de så på stjernene, så de noe som så ut som en lysgardin som falt ned fra himmelen. En: As they watched the stars, they saw what looked like a curtain of light falling from the sky. Nb: Det var nordlyset! En: It was the Northern Lights! Nb: Sigrid og Elias var i ærefrykt for himmelens skjønnhet. En: Sigrid and Elias were in awe of the beauty of the sky. Nb: De følte seg så heldige å være her for å være vitne til dette fantastiske fenomenet. En: They felt so lucky to be here to witness this amazing phenomenon. Nb: De holdt om hverandre og kysset, og følte seg mer forelsket enn noen gang. En: They held each other and kissed, feeling more in love than ever. Nb: De fortsatte å nyte kvelden, se på nordlysets farger og snakke om fremtiden. En: They continued to enjoy the evening, watching the colors of the Northern Lights and talking about the future. Nb: De snakket om hvordan de ville fortsette å være hengivne til hverandre og verne om hvert øyeblikk de hadde sammen. En: They talked about how they would continue to be devoted to each other and cherish...

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