Lost in Oslo, Found in Dance: Lars and Ingrid's Folk Dancing Adventure

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian - Un pódcast de FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Lost in Oslo, Found in Dance: Lars and Ingrid's Folk Dancing Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/lost-in-oslo-found-in-dance-lars-and-ingrids-folk-dancing-adventure Story Transcript:Nb: Lars og Ingrid var to nysgjerrige venner fra en liten landsby i Trøndelag.En: Lars and Ingrid were two curious friends from a small village in Trøndelag.Nb: De reiste til den store byen Oslo for første gang, og var veldig spent.En: They were traveling to the big city of Oslo for the first time and were very excited.Nb: De lurte egentlig på hvordan bylivet i Oslo ville være.En: They wondered what city life in Oslo would be like.Nb: De hadde mange planer, men ting ble litt annerledes.En: They had many plans, but things turned out a little differently.Nb: En dag, mens de gikk rundt i byen, kunne de ikke finne veien tilbake til hotellet.En: One day, while they were walking around the city, they couldn't find their way back to the hotel.Nb: De prøvde å finne veien med hjelp av et kart, men alt var så nytt og forvirrende.En: They tried to find their way using a map, but everything was so new and confusing.Nb: De var borte, midt i Oslo.En: They were lost in the middle of Oslo.Nb: Men så hørte de en merkelig lyd.En: But then they heard a strange sound.Nb: Det var musikk.En: It was music.Nb: Ikke hvilken som helst musikk, men norsk folkemusikk.En: Not just any music, but Norwegian folk music.Nb: Lyden kom fra en plass i nærheten.En: The sound was coming from somewhere nearby.Nb: Lars og Ingrid gjorde seg modige, og bestemte seg for å sjekke det ut.En: Lars and Ingrid gathered their courage and decided to check it out.Nb: På et åpent torg, var det en stor dansekonkurranse.En: In an open square, there was a big dance competition.Nb: Mange mennesker sto rundt og så på danserne.En: Many people stood around watching the dancers.Nb: Det var en norsk folkedanskonkurranse, med bunader, fele-spill og høy stemning.En: It was a Norwegian folk dance competition, with traditional costumes, fiddle playing, and high spirits.Nb: Alle de dansende parene så dyktige ut.En: All the dancing couples looked skilled.Nb: Lars så på Ingrid.En: Lars looked at Ingrid.Nb: Ingrid så på Lars.En: Ingrid looked at Lars.Nb: De hadde en ide.En: They had an idea.Nb: De ville delta i konkurransen.En: They wanted to participate in the competition.Nb: Selv om de bare hadde danset litt hjemme i Trøndelag, følte de seg eventyrlystne.En: Even though they had only danced a little at home in Trøndelag, they felt adventurous.Nb: De gikk til en butikk og kjøpte seg bunader - han i blå, hun i rød.En: They went to a store and bought traditional costumes - a blue one for him and a red one for her.Nb: Så gikk de tilbake til torget.En: Then they returned to the square.Nb: De var klare for å danse.En: They were ready to dance.Nb: Alle som så på, lo litt når de to trønderne kom fram.En: Everyone watching chuckled a little when the two people from Trøndelag stepped forward.Nb: Men Lars og Ingrid brydde seg ikke.En: But Lars and Ingrid didn't care.Nb: De var der for å more seg.En: They were there to have fun.Nb: Musikken startet, og Lars og Ingrid begynte å danse.En: The music started, and Lars and Ingrid began to dance.Nb:...

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