Lost in Oslo: Unveiling the Joy of Unexpected Adventures

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian - Un pódcast de FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Lost in Oslo: Unveiling the Joy of Unexpected Adventures Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/lost-in-oslo-unveiling-the-joy-of-unexpected-adventures Story Transcript:Nb: Titel: "I Dansen Wendy, Borte i Oslo"Stengetid på Oslo flyplass.En: Title: "In the Dance Wendy, Lost in Oslo" Closing time at Oslo airport.Nb: Lars, en flittig fisker fra Nordland, og Henrik, en lærer fra Rogaland, satt ved innsjekkingsområdet.En: Lars, a diligent fisherman from Nordland, and Henrik, a teacher from Rogaland, were sitting at the check-in area.Nb: De snakket om fisk, fjell, eller alt.En: They were talking about fish, mountains, or anything else.Nb: Lars og Henrik var blitt nære venner på grunn av jobben deres.En: Lars and Henrik had become close friends because of their job.Nb: De ble sendt til Oslo for en viktig møte.En: They were sent to Oslo for an important meeting.Nb: De kom ut av flyplassen.En: They stepped out of the airport.Nb: Store bygninger, rare steder og ukjente ansikter!En: Big buildings, strange places, and unfamiliar faces!Nb: Oslo var et nytt sted for dem.En: Oslo was a new place for them.Nb: Google Maps var ikke nok.En: Google Maps wasn't enough.Nb: De var borte.En: They were lost.Nb: Ingen visste hvor hotellet var.En: Nobody knew where the hotel was.Nb: De fortsatte å gå.En: They kept walking.Nb: De stoppet ved en gate full av folk.En: They stopped at a street full of people.Nb: Musikken spillte, folkklærene funklet.En: The music played, the folk costumes sparkled.Nb: Folkedanskonkurranse!En: Folk dance competition!Nb: Lars og Henrik så på hverandre.En: Lars and Henrik looked at each other.Nb: De bestemte seg for å bli.En: They decided to stay.Nb: Kanskje noen kunne hjelpe dem med veibeskrivelsen.En: Maybe someone could help them with directions.Nb: "Lars, skal vi danse?En: "Lars, should we dance?"Nb: " spurte Henrik.En: Henrik asked.Nb: "Hvorfor ikke?En: "Why not?"Nb: " svarte Lars og smilte.En: Lars replied, smiling.Nb: De tok ut sitt beste folkedans.En: They performed their best folk dance.Nb: Skritt, hoppe, snurre.En: Steps, jumps, spins.Nb: Folk så på dem.En: People watched them.Nb: De klappet.En: They clapped.Nb: Hva en dans!En: What a dance!Nb: Etter dansen kom en dame mot dem.En: After the dance, a lady approached them.Nb: "Bra danset," sa hun.En: "Well danced," she said.Nb: Damen var Ingrid, lederen for konkurransen.En: The lady was Ingrid, the leader of the competition.Nb: Lars og Henrik spurte Ingrid om hotellveien.En: Lars and Henrik asked Ingrid about the way to the hotel.Nb: Ingrid smilte og sa at hotellet var veldig nær.En: Ingrid smiled and said the hotel was very close.Nb: Men først, Ingrid ga dem et trofe.En: But first, Ingrid gave them a trophy.Nb: "For den beste folkedansen!En: "For the best folk dance!"Nb: " sa hun.En: she said.Nb: Lars og Henrik tok i mot trofeet.En: Lars and Henrik accepted the trophy.Nb: De lo og var forvirret.En: They laughed and were confused.Nb: De kom til Oslo for jobb, men se hva som skjedde!En: They came to Oslo for work, but look what happened!

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