Lost in the Forest: A Surprising Encounter with Trolls

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian - Un pódcast de FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Lost in the Forest: A Surprising Encounter with Trolls Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/lost-in-the-forest-a-surprising-encounter-with-trolls Story Transcript:Nb: På en lys dag i Oslo begynte to venner på en eventyrlig reise.En: On a bright day in Oslo, two friends embarked on an adventurous journey.Nb: Den bleke solen hang lavt på himmelen over stedet de kalte hjem.En: The pale sun hung low in the sky over the place they called home.Nb: Lars, med hans blonde hår og blå øyne, og Ingrid, den ivrige brunette med en lommelykt i hånden, begynte å gå mot skogen.En: Lars, with his blonde hair and blue eyes, and Ingrid, the enthusiastic brunette with a flashlight in hand, started walking towards the forest.Nb: De visste ikke at de skulle snuble over en gruppe troll.En: Little did they know, they would stumble upon a group of trolls.Nb: Lars og Ingrid hadde alltid hatt en kjærlighet for fotturer.En: Lars and Ingrid had always loved hiking.Nb: Men denne gangen gikk de dypere inn i skogen enn de noen gang hadde gjort før.En: But this time, they ventured deeper into the woods than they had ever done before.Nb: Etter flere timer mistet de stien de fulgte.En: After several hours, they lost the trail they were following.Nb: De så rundt seg, men alle trærne så helt like ut.En: They looked around, but all the trees looked identical.Nb: De var bortkomne.En: They were lost.Nb: "Tror du vi er tapte?"En: "Do you think we're lost?"Nb: spurte Ingrid med en skjelvende stemme.En: Ingrid asked with a trembling voice.Nb: "Kanskje," svarte Lars med en bekymret mine.En: "Maybe," Lars replied with a worried expression.Nb: De bestemte seg for å sette seg ned på en stor stein og tenke på hva de skulle gjøre videre.En: They decided to sit down on a large rock and think about what to do next.Nb: Da de satt der, hørte de plutselig rare lyder.En: As they sat there, they suddenly heard strange sounds.Nb: De var som en blanding av småstein som rullet, dype grynt og latter.En: It was like a combination of rolling pebbles, deep grunts, and laughter.Nb: De kunne knapt tro det de så da en gruppe troll dukket opp mellom trærne.En: They could hardly believe their eyes when a group of trolls emerged between the trees.Nb: Trollene var små og store, noen var brede og andre var slanke, alle var dekke med mørkegrønn mose.En: The trolls were small and big, some were wide and others were slender, all covered in dark green moss.Nb: De spilte og lo og virket uskyldige.En: They played and laughed, seeming innocent.Nb: Men Lars og Ingrid visste at trollene kunne være farlige.En: But Lars and Ingrid knew that trolls could be dangerous.Nb: Ingrid hvisket til Lars, "Vi må prøve å snike oss ut herfra uten at trollene ser oss."En: Ingrid whispered to Lars, "We have to try sneaking out of here without the trolls seeing us."Nb: Men før Lars kunne svare, snublet han over en stein og falt.En: But before Lars could reply, he stumbled over a rock and fell.Nb: Alle trollene stoppet og så på ham.En: All the trolls stopped and looked at him.Nb: De var fanget, og trollene nærmet seg dem.En: They were trapped, and the trolls approached them.Nb: Men i stedet for å være slemme, viste trollene seg å være vennlige.En: But instead of being mean, the trolls turned out to be friendly.Nb: De spurte hva Lars og...

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