Lost in the Oslo Forest: A Whimsical Encounter with a Friendly Troll

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian - Un pódcast de FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Lost in the Oslo Forest: A Whimsical Encounter with a Friendly Troll Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/lost-in-the-oslo-forest-a-whimsical-encounter-with-a-friendly-troll Story Transcript:Nb: I Oslo, den travle byen, bodde det en jente ved navn Ingrid og hennes gode venn, Lars.En: In Oslo, the bustling city, there lived a girl named Ingrid and her good friend, Lars.Nb: De hadde lekt sammen siden de var veldig små.En: They had been playing together since they were very young.Nb: En vakker dag, ble Ingrid og Lars inspirert av en gammel, mystisk bok de fant i skolen.En: One beautiful day, Ingrid and Lars were inspired by an old, mysterious book they found at school.Nb: Boken snakket om gamle norske troll som bodde i de dype skoger.En: The book spoke of ancient Norwegian trolls who lived in the deep forests.Nb: Ingrid og Lars bestemte seg for å gå på trolljakt.En: Ingrid and Lars decided to go on a troll hunt.Nb: Helt uvitende om hva fremtiden ville bringe, gikk de inn i skogen med spente hjerter.En: Completely unaware of what the future would bring, they ventured into the forest with eager hearts.Nb: Skogen, full av høye trær og fløyelsmykt mose under føttene, skjulte mange hemmeligheter.En: The forest, full of tall trees and velvet soft moss underfoot, held many secrets.Nb: Solen kastet et vakkert lys gjennom løvverket.En: The sun cast a beautiful light through the leaves.Nb: Men etter et par timer, ble stiene mindre klare.En: But after a couple of hours, the paths became less clear.Nb: Fugler pludret ikke lenger.En: The birds no longer chirped.Nb: Det var merkelig stille.En: It was strangely quiet.Nb: Ingrid og Lars visste ikke at de var lost.En: Ingrid and Lars did not realize they were lost.Nb: De trodde fortsatt de var på rett vei.En: They still thought they were on the right path.Nb: Men når solen begynte å gå ned, og skyggene ble lengre, innså de at de hadde gått seg vill.En: But as the sun began to set and the shadows grew longer, they realized they had lost their way.Nb: Det var da skogen plutselig virket skremmende.En: It was then that the forest suddenly seemed daunting.Nb: Stier som en gang var tydelige, forsvant i mørket.En: Paths that were once clear vanished in the darkness.Nb: Barna prøvde å finne veien tilbake, men alt så annerledes ut.En: The children tried to find their way back, but everything looked different.Nb: De var redd.En: They were scared.Nb: Ingrid, modig og kjapp, visste at de måtte være modige.En: Ingrid, brave and quick, knew they had to be courageous.Nb: "Vi er sammen, Lars," sa hun med en fast stemme.En: "We are together, Lars," she said firmly.Nb: "Vi vil klare dette.En: "We will get through this."Nb: "Som om skogen kunne forstå Ingrids mot, begynte vinden å blåse.En: As if the forest could understand Ingrid's courage, the wind began to blow.Nb: Den førte dem til et stort, gammelt tre.En: It led them to a large, old tree.Nb: Det så ut som et troll ut i mørket.En: It looked like a troll in the dark.Nb: Lars var redd på først, men Ingrid tok hans hånd.En: Lars was scared at first, but Ingrid took his hand.Nb: "Det er bare et tre," sa hun med forsiktighet.En: "It's just a tree," she said reassuringly.Nb: Men akkurat da, hørte de en lav, grøv stemme.En: But...

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