Lost in Translation: A Hilarious Journey to Master Norwegian

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian - Un pódcast de FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Lost in Translation: A Hilarious Journey to Master Norwegian Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/lost-in-translation-a-hilarious-journey-to-master-norwegian Story Transcript:Nb: "Hva var det du sa?En: "What did you say?"Nb: " hørtes en stemme fra hele rommet.En: a voice echoed throughout the room.Nb: Nora, en bestemt kvinne fra Oslo med et smittende smil og utstråling som kunne lyse opp selv den mørkeste dagen, kunne ikke hjelpe, men rulle med øynene.En: Nora, a determined woman from Oslo with an infectious smile and radiance that could brighten even the darkest day, couldn't help but roll her eyes.Nb: Ved siden av henne satt Lars, en høy, klønete mann nylig ankommet fra Sverige.En: Sitting beside her was Lars, a tall, clumsy man who had recently arrived from Sweden.Nb: Han prøvde desperat å mestre det norske språket.En: He was desperately trying to master the Norwegian language.Nb: I dette øyeblikket hadde Nora akkurat bedt ham uttale ordet 'brød'.En: In this moment, Nora had just asked him to pronounce the word 'brød' (bread).Nb: "Jeg sa 'bred'," gjentok Lars, ansiktet hans glødde rødt.En: "I said 'bred'," Lars repeated, his face glowing red.Nb: "Nei, nei, Lars!En: "No, no, Lars!Nb: Det er 'brød', ikke 'bred'," korrigerte Nora, og prøvde å ikke le.En: It's 'brød', not 'bred'," Nora corrected, trying not to laugh.Nb: Som om hun skulle trylle, formet hun munnen sin på en overdrevet måte, tydelig vise hvordan det skulle høres ut.En: As if she were performing a magic trick, she exaggeratedly shaped her mouth, clearly showing how it should sound.Nb: Lars kopierte henne, men i stedet for korrekt uttale, sa han 'båd.En: Lars copied her, but instead of the correct pronunciation, he said 'båd' (boat).Nb: 'Hele rommet ble fylt med latter, men alle var enige: Lars var en god sport.En: The room filled with laughter, but everyone agreed: Lars was a good sport.Nb: Og de skjønte alle at norsk ikke var lett å lære.En: And they all realized that Norwegian was not easy to learn.Nb: I flere uker fortsatte de med øvingene.En: For several weeks, they continued with the practice sessions.Nb: Midt i vinteren i Oslo, tente Nora lysene tidlig på morgenen og slo dem av sent på kvelden.En: In the midst of winter in Oslo, Nora lit the candles early in the morning and turned them off late at night.Nb: De satt sammen i hennes koselige leilighet i Grünerløkka, omgitt av tung americanakaffe og mengder av brød.En: They sat together in her cozy apartment in Grünerløkka, surrounded by strong Americano coffee and heaps of bread.Nb: Og med hvert nytt ord, brakte Lars mer latter i rommet.En: And with each new word, Lars brought more laughter to the room.Nb: "Kjøkken" ble til "chløkken", "god morgen" ble "gud margen", og listen vokste bare.En: "Kitchen" turned into "chløkken," "good morning" became "gud margen," and the list only grew.Nb: Men det var mer enn bare moro og spill.En: But it was more than just fun and games.Nb: Nora følte seg nesten som en lærer, hun gav Lars økt selvtillit, han begynte å fremføre norsken sin med flere mennesker.En: Nora felt like a teacher, giving Lars increased confidence that allowed him to interact more with people in Norwegian.Nb: Når han gikk til bakeriet, bestilte han sitt brød uten problem.En: When he went to the bakery, he ordered his bread without any problem.Nb: Til tross for...

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