Lost in Translation: A Humorous Adventure in the Streets of Oslo

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian - Un pódcast de FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Lost in Translation: A Humorous Adventure in the Streets of Oslo Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/lost-in-translation-a-humorous-adventure-in-the-streets-of-oslo Story Transcript:Nb: I Oslo-bystyr, der folk haster om kapp med tiden, der lurer Lars, en engelskmann ny til Norge.En: In the bustling city of Oslo, where people hurry along in a race against time, an Englishman named Lars finds himself facing a mystery.Nb: Etter bare tre uker på norsk språkkurs, tror Lars at han har halvveis forstått mysteriet som er det norske språket.En: After only three weeks in Norwegian language class, Lars thinks he has halfway understood the Norwegian language.Nb: Men denne dagen vil virkelig teste hans språkferdigheter og forståelse av byen.En: But this day will truly test his language skills and understanding of the city.Nb: Det startet som en vanlig mandag, med Lars på vei til språkklassen.En: It started as a regular Monday, with Lars on his way to language class.Nb: Han kastet et trøtt blikk på den komplekse rutetabellen for trikken.En: He glanced wearily at the complex tram schedule.Nb: Han hoppet på det han trodde var den grønne linjen mot Majorstuen, men i stedet for å ankomme skolen, fant han seg selv på en ukjent plass, langt borte fra ønsket destinasjon.En: He boarded what he believed to be the green line towards Majorstuen, but instead of arriving at school, he found himself in an unfamiliar place, far from his intended destination.Nb: "Å, nei," sa Lars.En: "Oh no," Lars said.Nb: Han så rundt seg.En: He looked around.Nb: Skiltene, gatene, alt var ukjent.En: The signs, the streets, everything was unfamiliar.Nb: "Helt galt sted, dette!En: "Completely the wrong place, this!"Nb: " Han tittet ned på kartet sitt.En: He looked down at his map.Nb: Han var langt fra Majorstuen.En: He was far from Majorstuen.Nb: Han var i Romsås, på andre siden av byen.En: He was in Romsås, on the other side of the city.Nb: Lars var forvirret og litt skremt.En: Lars was confused and a little scared.Nb: Men han tenkte, "Situasjonen kan alltid lyses opp med litt humor.En: But he thought, "The situation can always be brightened up with a bit of humor."Nb: " Så han begynte å spørre mennesker rundt om hjelp, på sitt gebrokkne norsk.En: So he started asking people around him for help, in his broken Norwegian.Nb: "Unnskyld, jeg er tapt.En: "Excuse me, I am lost.Nb: Kan du hjelpe meg å finne vei?En: Can you help me find my way?"Nb: "Mørke skyer samlet seg over hodet hans, men folk var snille.En: Dark clouds gathered over his head, but people were kind.Nb: De lo, og korrigerte hans norskkunnskaper mens de viste ham den riktige vei.En: They laughed and corrected his Norwegian skills while showing him the right way.Nb: En eldre mann, gledelig overrasket over Lars’ forsøk på norsk, kjøpte ham en kaffe og forklarte hvordan han kunne komme seg tilbake.En: An elderly man, pleasantly surprised by Lars' attempt at Norwegian, bought him a coffee and explained how he could get back.Nb: Han pekte på en bussholdeplass i nærheten og sa, "Ta rød buss, ikke grønn trikk.En: He pointed to a nearby bus stop and said, "Take the red bus, not the green tram."Nb: "Etter mange humoristiske samtaler, noen koppestopp og massevis av feiltolkninger, satt Lars på rød buss mot Majorstuen.En: After many humorous conversations, a...

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