Selling Imaginary Fish in Bergen's Rainy Days

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian - Un pódcast de


Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Selling Imaginary Fish in Bergen's Rainy Days Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Nb: I Bergen, en by kjent for sin vakre beliggenhet og hyppige regnskyll, var Ingrid og Lars ute på en eventyrlig utforskningstur.En: In Bergen, a city known for its beautiful location and frequent downpours, Ingrid and Lars were out on an adventurous exploration trip.Nb: Da plutselig himmelen åpnet seg, og de befant seg midt i et voldsomt regnskyll.En: Then suddenly the sky opened up, and they found themselves in the middle of a torrential downpour.Nb: Panikken steg da de desperat søkte ly.En: Panic rose as they desperately sought shelter.Nb: Men lyset i enden av tunnelen var en liten fiskemarkedsbod!En: But the light at the end of the tunnel was a small fish market stall!Nb: Takk og lov!En: Thank God!Nb: Som desperate sjeler hoppet de inn, øyeblikkelig våte og litt forvirrede.En: Like desperate souls, they jumped in, instantly wet and slightly confused.Nb: Inne i den lille boden ble de møtt av en mengde forvirrede lokalbefolkning.En: Inside the small stall they were met by a crowd of confused locals.Nb: Ingrid og Lars innså at de ikke akkurat passet inn her, men de hadde ingen andre valg.En: Ingrid and Lars realized that they didn't exactly fit in here, but they had no other choice.Nb: De bestemte seg for å gjøre det beste ut av situasjonen.En: They decided to make the best of the situation.Nb: Plutselig kom ideen: Hvorfor ikke late som om de var selgere?En: Suddenly the idea came: Why not pretend they were salesmen?Nb: Med overdrevne bevegelser og latterlige norske aksenter begynte de å etterligne selgernes entusiastiske pitches.En: With exaggerated movements and ridiculous Norwegian accents, they began to imitate the salesmen's enthusiastic pitches.Nb: De solgte imaginær fisk til intetanende kunder.En: They sold imaginary fish to unsuspecting customers.Nb: Lokalbefolkningen stirret forvirret på dem, men etter hvert begynte noen å le.En: The locals stared at them in confusion, but eventually some started laughing.Nb: Ingrids og Lars' absurde opptreden fikk folk til å smile, og snart var boden fylt av latter og glede.En: Ingrid and Lars' absurd performance made people smile, and soon the booth was filled with laughter and joy.Nb: Mens de fortsatte å spille rollen som selgere, merket Ingrid og Lars at regnet avtok.En: As they continued to play the role of salesmen, Ingrid and Lars noticed that the rain was slowing down.Nb: De hadde ikke lenger behov for å late som om de var i en fiskemarkedsbod.En: They no longer needed to pretend they were in a fish market stall.Nb: Sakte men sikkert trakk de seg tilbake fra sitt komiske påfunn og ble seg igjen selv.En: Slowly but surely they retreated from their comic invention and became themselves again.Nb: De forlot boden og fortsatte sin utforskningstur gjennom de vakre gatene i Bergen.En: They left the stall and continued their exploration tour through the beautiful streets of Bergen.Nb: Selv om de var våte og litt flaue, hadde de skapt et minneverdig øyeblikk i regnværet.En: Although they were wet and a little embarrassed, they had created a memorable moment in the rain.Nb: Et eventyr de ville huske i lang tid.En: An adventure they would remember for a long time.Nb: Så hvis du noensinne befinner deg fanget i et regnskyll i Bergen, kan du...

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