Snowbound Joy: Ingrid and Lars' First Ski Adventure

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian - Un pódcast de


Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Snowbound Joy: Ingrid and Lars' First Ski Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Nb: I de kalde, tåkete gatene i Oslo, var Ingrid og Lars kledd i lyse, nyinnkjøpte skiutstyr.En: In the cold, foggy streets of Oslo, Ingrid and Lars were dressed in bright, newly purchased ski gear.Nb: Begge gruet og gledet seg til å prøve å gå på ski for første gang.En: Both were nervous and excited to try skiing for the first time.Nb: De beviste seg selv som ekte nordmenn.En: They were proving themselves as true Norwegians.Nb: Ingrid hadde runde brune øyne og langt krøllete hår.En: Ingrid had round brown eyes and long curly hair.Nb: Hun jobbet på et bibliotek midt i byen.En: She worked at a library in the city center.Nb: Lars hadde blå øyne og lyst kort hår.En: Lars had blue eyes and short light hair.Nb: Han var en baker, og bakte de beste kanelbollene i Oslo.En: He was a baker, known for baking the best cinnamon rolls in Oslo.Nb: De var bestevenner, men de hadde aldri gått på ski før.En: They were best friends, but they had never been skiing before.Nb: En tidlig lørdag dro de til Tryvann, Oslos skisenter.En: One early Saturday, they went to Tryvann, Oslo's ski center.Nb: Både Ingrid og Lars strammet støvlene, knyttet luer under haker, og tok skiene under armen.En: Both Ingrid and Lars tightened their boots, tied their hats under their chins, and carried their skis under their arms.Nb: De hadde lagt en plan.En: They had a plan.Nb: Først skulle de øve på en liten bakke, saa på en større.En: First, they would practice on a small slope, then on a larger one.Nb: Ingrid smilte til Lars, "Klar?En: Ingrid smiled at Lars, "Ready?"Nb: " Lars nikket, og de satte i gang, etter måten de hadde sett på IBU Verdenscuprenn.En: Lars nodded, and they started, mimicking what they had seen in IBU World Cup races.Nb: Men, ski gikk ikke som vist på TV.En: But skiing didn't go as smoothly as it looked on TV.Nb: De falt, de lo, og de prøvde igjen.En: They fell, they laughed, and they tried again.Nb: Vennene gjorde mange feil men lærte raskt.En: The friends made many mistakes but learned quickly.Nb: Til slutt følte de seg klare for den store bakken.En: Finally, they felt ready for the big slope.Nb: De tok skiheisen opp, hjertene banket fort.En: They took the ski lift up, their hearts beating fast.Nb: Utsikten fra toppen var betagende.En: The view from the top was breathtaking.Nb: De kunne se hele Oslo.En: They could see all of Oslo.Nb: Men, bakken så brattere ut enn de hadde forestilt seg.En: However, the slope looked steeper than they had imagined.Nb: Ingrid gikk først, og så Lars.En: Ingrid went first, followed by Lars.Nb: Vinden hviste i ørene, og de kjente adrenalinkicket.En: The wind whistled in their ears, and they felt the adrenaline rush.Nb: De gikk fort og kom ut av kontroll.En: They went fast and lost control.Nb: Da kom snøbanken i syne.En: Then they saw the snowbank.Nb: Ingrid og Lars kunne ikke stoppe.En: Ingrid and Lars couldn't stop.Nb: BANG!En: BANG!Nb: De traff snøbanken.En: They hit the snowbank.Nb: De lå en stund i snøen.En: They lay in the snow for a while.Nb: Begge lo, selv om de var kalde...

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