Starting a Fire in a Blizzard: Lars, Ingrid and Ole's Adventure

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Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Starting a Fire in a Blizzard: Lars, Ingrid and Ole's Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Nb: Lars, Ingrid og Ole dro på en tur til en koselig norsk hytte i fjellet.En: Lars, Ingrid and Ole went on a trip to a cozy Norwegian cabin in the mountains.Nb: De planla å ha det koselig og varme seg ved peisen, men da de kom dit var det en kald snøstorm.En: They planned to get cozy and warm themselves by the fireplace, but when they got there there was a cold snowstorm.Nb: De innså at de trengte å starte en brann så fort som mulig, men de hadde aldri gjort det før.En: They realized they needed to start a fire as soon as possible, but they had never done it before.Nb: De forsto snart at det ikke var så lett som de trodde.En: They soon realized that it was not as easy as they thought.Nb: Lars prøvde å tenne på noen avisen han fant, men det ville ikke flamme opp.En: Lars tried to light some newspaper he found, but it would not ignite.Nb: Ole gikk ut for å få mer ved, og Ingrid prøvde å organisere alt inne i hytta.En: Ole went out to get more wood, and Ingrid tried to organize everything inside the cabin.Nb: Lars fortsatte å prøve å tenne på avisen, men i stedet for flammer, fikk de masse sot i stuen.En: Lars continued to try to light the newspaper, but instead of flames, they got lots of soot in the living room.Nb: Det var en stor rot og en enda verre lukt.En: It was a big mess and an even worse smell.Nb: Lars, Ingrid og Ole ble frustrerte og uenige om hva de skulle gjøre.En: Lars, Ingrid and Ole became frustrated and disagreed about what to do.Nb: Til slutt bestemte de seg for å prøve på nytt, men denne gangen søkte de hjelp på nettet.En: Finally, they decided to try again, but this time they sought help online.Nb: De leste noen råd om hvordan man kunne lykkes med å starte en brann i fellesområder.En: They read some advice on how to successfully start a fire in communal areas.Nb: Endelig klarte de å lage flammer, og de fyret opp hytta med god varme.En: At last they managed to make flames, and they fired up the cabin with good heat.Nb: Lars, Ingrid og Ole ble stille og komfortable foran peisen, og de kunne høre snøstormen som raste gjennom vinduene.En: Lars, Ingrid and Ole became quiet and comfortable in front of the fireplace, and they could hear the snowstorm raging through the windows.Nb: De lo om den mislykkede første forsøket og lovet å bli flinkere neste gang.En: They laughed about the failed first attempt and promised to do better next time.Nb: De ble enige om at de hadde lært mye om å starte en brann i en snøstorm, og at de ville gjøre ting riktig neste gang de var på fjellet.En: They agreed that they had learned a lot about starting a fire in a blizzard and that they would do things right the next time they were on the mountain. Vocabulary Words:Lars: LarsIngrid: IngridOle: Oletrip: turcozy: koseligNorwegian: norskcabin: hyttemountains: fjellfireplace: peiscold: kaldsnowstorm: snøstormstart: startefire: brannnewspaper: avisignite: flamme oppwood: vedorganize: organisereliving room: stuefrustrated: frustrertedisagreed: uenigehelp: hjelponline: på nettetadvice: rådsuccessfully:...

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