The Bun Eating Competition: A Day of Laughter and Triumph

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian - Un pódcast de


Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: The Bun Eating Competition: A Day of Laughter and Triumph Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Nb: Lars, en ung mann med rødt hår og briller, bodde i Oslo.En: Lars, a young man with red hair and glasses, lived in Oslo.Nb: Oslo var en stor by med mange mennesker.En: Oslo was a big city with many people.Nb: Det var også mange konkurranser.En: There were also many competitions.Nb: Lars likte konkurranser.En: Lars liked competitions.Nb: En dag var det bollespisekonkurranse.En: One day, there was a bun eating competition.Nb: Dette var en tradisjon i Norge.En: This was a tradition in Norway.Nb: Lars var veldig spent.En: Lars was very excited.Nb: Ingrid, en jente med langt, blondt hår, skulle også være med.En: Ingrid, a girl with long, blond hair, was also participating.Nb: Ingrid var morsom og vennlig.En: Ingrid was funny and friendly.Nb: Hun var veldig glad i boller.En: She loved buns very much.Nb: Lars og Ingrid kjenner hverandre fra før og var gode venner.En: Lars and Ingrid knew each other already and were good friends.Nb: Lars laget kaffe for seg selv.En: Lars made coffee for himself.Nb: Han likte varm kaffe.En: He liked his coffee hot.Nb: Ved et bord satt han med sin kaffekopp.En: He sat at a table with his coffee cup.Nb: Ingrid satt ved siden av ham.En: Ingrid sat next to him.Nb: De begge hadde mange boller foran seg.En: They both had many buns in front of them.Nb: Plutselig skjedde det noe.En: Suddenly something happened.Nb: Lars mistet taket på kaffekoppen.En: Lars lost his grip on the coffee cup.Nb: Den varme kaffen sølte over på Lars.En: The hot coffee spilled onto Lars.Nb: "Å nei!En: "Oh no!"Nb: " ropte Lars.En: shouted Lars.Nb: Kaffen var veldig varm.En: The coffee was very hot.Nb: Lars hoppet opp av smerte.En: Lars jumped up from the pain.Nb: Ingrid begynte å le.En: Ingrid started to laugh.Nb: Hun lo og lo.En: She laughed and laughed.Nb: Hun kunne ikke slutte.En: She couldn't stop.Nb: "Stakkars Lars," sa hun mellom latteren.En: "Poor Lars," she said between her laughter.Nb: "Du er alltid så klønete!En: "You're always so clumsy!"Nb: " Lars ble litt flau.En: Lars felt a little embarrassed.Nb: Men han kunne ikke hjelpe å le selv.En: But he couldn't help laughing himself.Nb: Så begynte konkurransen.En: Then the competition started.Nb: Lars og Ingrid spiste boller.En: Lars and Ingrid ate buns.Nb: De spiste mange boller.En: They ate many buns.Nb: Men Lars var fortsatt litt varm fra kaffen.En: But Lars was still feeling a little hot from the coffee.Nb: Han måtte ta av seg genseren og så begynte han å spise igjen.En: He had to take off his sweater and then he started eating again.Nb: Det var veldig spennende.En: It was very exciting.Nb: Alle så på dem.En: Everyone was watching them.Nb: Til slutt var det slutt.En: Finally, it was over.Nb: Ingrid hadde spist flest boller.En: Ingrid had eaten the most buns.Nb: Hun var vinneren.En: She was the winner.Nb: "Gratulerer," sa Lars og klappet...

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