The Bunad Switch: Chaos and Laughter at a Norwegian Festival

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Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: The Bunad Switch: Chaos and Laughter at a Norwegian Festival Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Nb: Månen hang lavt over de norske fjordene.En: The moon hung low over the Norwegian fjords.Nb: Lars pakket bunaden sin.En: Lars packed his bunad.Nb: Han var spent.En: He was excited.Nb: Ingrid pakket også sin bunad.En: Ingrid also packed her bunad.Nb: De skulle til en festival sammen.En: They were going to a festival together.Nb: Festivalen var for folkemusikk og dans.En: The festival was for folk music and dance.Nb: De skulle dra med sin gode venn, Magnus.En: They were going with their good friend, Magnus.Nb: På festivalen var det mye folk.En: There were many people at the festival.Nb: Alle hadde på seg flotte bunader.En: Everyone was wearing beautiful bunads.Nb: Men Lars og Ingrid lagde kaos med en gang.En: But Lars and Ingrid caused chaos right away.Nb: De hadde byttet bunader ved et uhell.En: They had accidentally switched bunads.Nb: Ingrid hadde på seg Lars sin bunad.En: Ingrid was wearing Lars' bunad.Nb: Og Lars hadde på seg Ingrid sin bunad.En: And Lars was wearing Ingrid's bunad.Nb: Folk ble overrasket.En: People were surprised.Nb: De prøvde å danse, men bunadene passet ikke.En: They tried to dance, but the bunads didn't fit.Nb: Det var vanskelig å bevege seg.En: It was difficult to move.Nb: Folk begynte å le.En: People started laughing.Nb: Noen ble sure.En: Some got upset.Nb: Magnus visste ikke hva han skulle gjøre.En: Magnus didn't know what to do.Nb: Han prøvde å roe folk ned.En: He tried to calm people down.Nb: Men Lars og Ingrid ville ikke gi seg.En: But Lars and Ingrid wouldn't give up.Nb: De danset selv om det var vanskelig.En: They danced even though it was difficult.Nb: De syntes det var morsomt.En: They thought it was fun.Nb: Folk begynte å le mer.En: People started laughing even more.Nb: Noen klappet.En: Some clapped.Nb: Også Magnus begynte å le.En: Even Magnus started laughing.Nb: Til slutt tok de av seg bunadene.En: Finally, they took off the bunads.Nb: De byttet tilbake.En: They switched back.Nb: Alt ble normalt igjen.En: Everything returned to normal.Nb: Men det var litt sent.En: But it was a little late.Nb: Festivalen var nesten over.En: The festival was almost over.Nb: Men folk husket Lars og Ingrid.En: But people remembered Lars and Ingrid.Nb: De husket klesbyttet.En: They remembered the clothes switch.Nb: Festivalen var over.En: The festival was over.Nb: Lars, Ingrid, og Magnus dro hjem.En: Lars, Ingrid, and Magnus went home.Nb: De lo av det som hadde skjedd.En: They laughed about what had happened.Nb: De visste at de aldri ville glemme den dagen.En: They knew they would never forget that day.Nb: Og de visste at festivalen heller ikke ville glemme dem.En: And they knew that the festival would never forget them either.Nb: Fra da av, hver gang de pakket bunadene sine, sjekket de nøye.En: From then on, every time they packed their bunads, they checked carefully.Nb: De ville...

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