The Great Lutefisk Challenge: A Tale of Friendship and Stomachaches

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Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: The Great Lutefisk Challenge: A Tale of Friendship and Stomachaches Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Nb: Ole og Lars er venner.En: Ole and Lars are friends.Nb: De bor i Oslo.En: They live in Oslo.Nb: De liker lutefisk.En: They like lutefisk.Nb: I julen, har de en konkurranse.En: During Christmas, they have a competition.Nb: Hvem kan spise mest lutefisk?En: Who can eat the most lutefisk?Nb: Det er tungt nå, men begge gleder seg.En: It is heavy now, but both are excited.Nb: De sitter hjemme i Oles leilighet.En: They are sitting in Ole's apartment.Nb: Utenfor snør det.En: It is snowing outside.Nb: Ingrid kommer på besøk.En: Ingrid comes to visit.Nb: Hun har med lutefisk.En: She has lutefisk with her.Nb: "Ingrid, ser du oss?"En: "Ingrid, do you see us?"Nb: Ole har et stort smil.En: Ole has a big smile.Nb: "Lars og jeg skal spise mye lutefisk."En: "Lars and I are going to eat a lot of lutefisk."Nb: Lars ler høyt.En: Lars laughs loudly.Nb: Han er klar.En: He is ready.Nb: Ingrid ser på dem.En: Ingrid looks at them.Nb: "Er dere klare?"En: "Are you ready?"Nb: Ole og Lars nikker.En: Ole and Lars nod.Nb: De har skjeer, de har servietter.En: They have spoons, they have napkins.Nb: Ingrid lager lutefisk.En: Ingrid makes lutefisk.Nb: Det lukter godt i Oles leilighet.En: It smells good in Ole's apartment.Nb: Ingrid serverer lutefisken.En: Ingrid serves the lutefisk.Nb: Ole og Lars begynner å spise.En: Ole and Lars start eating.Nb: De spiser raskt.En: They eat quickly.Nb: De spiser mye.En: They eat a lot.Nb: Ingrid klør seg i hodet.En: Ingrid scratches her head.Nb: "Dere spiser for mye!"En: "You are eating too much!"Nb: Ole og Lars stopper ikke.En: Ole and Lars don't stop.Nb: De spiser mer og mer.En: They eat more and more.Nb: Ingrid ler høyt.En: Ingrid laughs loudly.Nb: Så blir Ole stille.En: Then Ole becomes quiet.Nb: Han ser på Lars.En: He looks at Lars.Nb: Lars ser på Ole.En: Lars looks at Ole.Nb: Begge stopper.En: They both stop.Nb: Begge ser ned på lutefisken.En: They both look down at the lutefisk.Nb: Begge ser opp på Ingrid.En: They both look up at Ingrid.Nb: "Ingrid, vi klarer ikke mer."En: "Ingrid, we can't eat anymore."Nb: Begge har vondt i magen.En: Both have stomachaches.Nb: Men de smiler fortsatt.En: But they still smile.Nb: "Ingrid, vi vil dele seieren."En: "Ingrid, we want to share the victory."Nb: Ingrid ler igjen.En: Ingrid laughs again.Nb: "Okei, gutta.En: "Okay, guys.Nb: Dere er begge vinnere."En: You are both winners."Nb: Som premie får de hver sin pepperkake.En: As a prize, they each receive a gingerbread cookie.Nb: Slik ender konkurransen i julen.En: This is how the competition ends during Christmas.Nb: Ole og Lars deler seieren.En: Ole and Lars share the victory.Nb: De er venner.En: They are friends.Nb: De bor i Oslo.En:...

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