The Great Reindeer Chase: A Winter Adventure in Oslo

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Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: The Great Reindeer Chase: A Winter Adventure in Oslo Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Nb: En kald vintermorgen i Oslo våknet Lars til lyden av naboens skrik.En: On a cold winter morning in Oslo, Lars woke up to the sound of the neighbor's screams.Nb: Kikket ut vinduet og kunne ikke tro det han så.En: He looked out the window and couldn't believe what he saw.Nb: "Ingrid, kom!En: "Ingrid, come!"Nb: ", ropte han.En: he shouted.Nb: "Det er et reinsdyr på gata!En: "There's a reindeer in the street!"Nb: "Ingrid, hans lille søster, sprang til vinduet og så reinsdyret.En: Ingrid, his little sister, ran to the window and saw the reindeer.Nb: Hennes øyne strålte.En: Her eyes sparkled.Nb: Et ekte reinsdyr!En: A real reindeer!Nb: Men litt redsel sivet inn.En: But a little fear crept in.Nb: Hva om det ble skadet?En: What if it got hurt?Nb: Ville ikke det være fælt?En: Wouldn't that be awful?Nb: Liksom et pust fra Nord-Norge, begynte eventyret vårt.En: Like a breath from Northern Norway, our adventure began.Nb: Lars og Ingrid hadde aldri sett et reinsdyr i Oslo før.En: Lars and Ingrid had never seen a reindeer in Oslo before.Nb: Gi et navn til reinsdyret, foreslo Ingrid.En: Give the reindeer a name, suggested Ingrid.Nb: "Olav", sa Lars.En: "Olav," said Lars.Nb: Det hørtes sterkt ut.En: It sounded strong.Nb: Nå var det tid for å tenke.En: Now it was time to think.Nb: "Vi må fange Olav, men nøye oss", sa Lars rolig.En: "We have to catch Olav, but be careful," Lars said calmly.Nb: Ingrid nikket, hun var klar for jobben.En: Ingrid nodded, she was ready for the task.Nb: De løp ut, pakket inn i vinterskjerf og hansker.En: They ran out, bundled up in winter scarves and gloves.Nb: Lars ledet, Ingrid fulgte tett etter.En: Lars led, Ingrid followed closely behind.Nb: De fant Olav ved Holmenkollen, redd og forvirret.En: They found Olav near Holmenkollen, scared and confused.Nb: Lars holdt opp en gulrot, håpte det ville tiltrekke Olav.En: Lars held up a carrot, hoping it would attract Olav.Nb: I stedet løp Olav vekk.En: Instead, Olav ran away.Nb: Ingrid ble redd.En: Ingrid became scared.Nb: Men Lars sa, "Ikke bekymre deg, vi får ham.En: But Lars said, "Don't worry, we'll get him."Nb: "Gjennom dagen, gjennom gatene i Oslo, jaktet barna Olav.En: Throughout the day, through the streets of Oslo, the children hunted for Olav.Nb: Men han forble alltid litt foran dem.En: But he always remained just ahead of them.Nb: Fra Frognerparken til Oslofjorden, det ble ikke lettere.En: From Frogner Park to the Oslo Fjord, it didn't get any easier.Nb: Til slutt, da sola nesten var borte, fikk de Olav på Aker Brygge.En: Finally, when the sun was almost gone, they found Olav at Aker Brygge.Nb: Med forsiktige skritt, nærmet de seg dyret.En: With cautious steps, they approached the animal.Nb: "Vi er venner, Olav", sa Lars rolig.En: "We are friends, Olav," Lars said calmly.Nb: Reinsdyret stanset, snudde seg, og til deres forbløffelse, kom det mot Lars.En: The reindeer stopped, turned around, and to their astonishment, it came towards Lars.Nb: Det tok gulroten, og...

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