The Ice, the Fish, and the Unexpected Friendship

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian - Un pódcast de


Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: The Ice, the Fish, and the Unexpected Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Nb: Det var en kald dag i Bergen.En: It was a cold day in Bergen.Nb: Lars gikk på isen.En: Lars was walking on the ice.Nb: Foten hans skled.En: His foot slipped.Nb: Han plumpet ned i en haug med fisk.En: He fell into a pile of fish.Nb: Ingrid, som passerte, lo.En: Ingrid, who was passing by, laughed.Nb: Lars var ikke på topp.En: Lars wasn't doing well.Nb: Han hadde nettopp kommet fra jobben på et bakeri i sentrum.En: He had just come from work at a bakery in the center.Nb: Han følte seg sliten.En: He felt tired.Nb: Så skjedde uhellet.En: Then the accident happened.Nb: Han prøvde å stå på hendene for å unngå fisken.En: He tried to stand on his hands to avoid the fish.Nb: Men det gikk ikke.En: But it didn't work.Nb: Ingrid så alt.En: Ingrid saw everything.Nb: Hun hadde vært på butikken.En: She had been to the store.Nb: Hun skulle lage fiskesuppe.En: She was going to make fish soup.Nb: Ingrid kunne ikke stoppe å le.En: Ingrid couldn't stop laughing.Nb: Men hun følte med Lars.En: But she sympathized with Lars.Nb: Hva om fisken var Ingrids middag?En: What if the fish was Ingrid's dinner?Nb: Hun hadde kjøpt mye fisk.En: She had bought a lot of fish.Nb: Tenk om hun også hadde ramlet i fisken.En: Imagine if she had also fallen into the fish.Nb: Tenk om det var hun som var i Lars' sted.En: Imagine if she were in Lars' place.Nb: Lars kunne ikke forstå hva som skjedde.En: Lars couldn't understand what was happening.Nb: En sekund stod han på isen.En: One second he was on the ice.Nb: Neste sekund lå han i fisken.En: The next moment he was in the fish.Nb: Han luktet fisk.En: He smelled fish.Nb: Han smakte fisk.En: He tasted fish.Nb: Alt rundt ham var fisk.En: Everything around him was fish.Nb: Ingrid gikk bort til Lars.En: Ingrid walked up to Lars.Nb: Hun strakte ut en hånd.En: She reached out a hand.Nb: Lars tok den takknemlig imot.En: Lars gratefully took it.Nb: Følelsen av å havne i fisken var forferdelig.En: The feeling of ending up in the fish was terrible.Nb: Men noe rørte seg inni Lars.En: But something stirred inside Lars.Nb: Han kunne ikke la Ingrid bare gå.En: He couldn't just let Ingrid go.Nb: Så han sa med en rask stemme, "Vil du bli med meg på et kaffe.En: So he said quickly, "Would you like to join me for a coffee.Nb: Jeg trenger oppvarming.En: I need to warm up."Nb: "Ingrid tenkte et øyeblikk.En: Ingrid thought for a moment.Nb: Så nikket hun.En: Then she nodded.Nb: Hun kunne ikke motstå Lars' ærlige invitasjon.En: She couldn't resist Lars' sincere invitation.Nb: De begge visste at dette ikke var den siste isete dagen i Bergen.En: They both knew that this wasn't the last icy day in Bergen.Nb: Men de visste at neste gang, hvis Lars skulle skli på isen, ville de begge le.En: But they knew that next time, if Lars were to slip on the ice, they would both laugh.Nb: Fordi det er hva man kan gjøre på en isete dag i Bergen.En: Because...

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