The Joy of Lutefisk: A Norwegian Adventure in the Kitchen

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Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: The Joy of Lutefisk: A Norwegian Adventure in the Kitchen Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Nb: Når morgensolen skimter over fjelltoppene, er Ingrid, Magnus og Lars i en hytte i Norge. Hytta er i fjellet. Fjellet er høyt og kaldt, men hytta er varm og koselig.En: When the morning sun glimmers over the mountain peaks, Ingrid, Magnus, and Lars are in a cabin in Norway. The cabin is in the mountains. The mountain is tall and cold, but the cabin is warm and cozy.Nb: Ingrid, Magnus og Lars er venner. De liker å lage mat. I dag vil de lage lutefisk. Lutefisk er en norsk fiskerett. Den er laget fra torsk som tørkes, så bløtlegges i lut.En: Ingrid, Magnus, and Lars are friends. They like to cook. Today, they want to make lutefisk. Lutefisk is a Norwegian fish dish. It is made from dried cod that is soaked in lye.Nb: Lutefisk tar tid å lage. Men Ingrid, Magnus og Lars gleder seg. De har alle ingredienser. De har torsk. De har lut. De er klare til å begynne.En: Lutefisk takes time to make. But Ingrid, Magnus, and Lars are excited. They have all the ingredients. They have cod. They have lye. They are ready to begin.Nb: Ingrid henter torsken. Magnus henter luten. Lars gjør klar kjøkkenet. Men da begynner rotet. Magnus søler luten. Den lutter i gulvet. Gulvet blir glatt. Lars sklir. Han velter torsken.En: Ingrid fetches the cod. Magnus gets the lye. Lars prepares the kitchen. But then the mess begins. Magnus spills the lye. It drips onto the floor. The floor becomes slippery. Lars slips. He topples the cod.Nb: Oh nei! Torsken og luten er nå på gulvet. Ingrid, Magnus og Lars ser på rotet. De vet ikke hva de skal gjøre. De ville lage lutefisk, men nå er kjøkkenet et rot.En: Oh no! The cod and lye are now on the floor. Ingrid, Magnus, and Lars look at the mess. They don't know what to do. They wanted to make lutefisk, but now the kitchen is a mess.Nb: Ingrid blir oppgitt. Hun sier, "vi kan ikke gi opp!". Magnus og Lars er enige. De begynner å rydde opp. Ingrid vasker gulvet. Magnus samler opp den torsken de kan bruke. Lars henter mer lut.En: Ingrid becomes frustrated. She says, "we can't give up!" Magnus and Lars agree. They start cleaning up. Ingrid cleans the floor. Magnus gathers up the cod they can still use. Lars fetches more lye.Nb: Det tar tid, men de rengjør kjøkkenet. Ingrid, Magnus og Lars smiler. De er glade. De kan fortsette med å lage lutefisk.En: It takes time, but they clean the kitchen. Ingrid, Magnus, and Lars smile. They are happy. They can continue making lutefisk.Nb: Så begynner de på nytt. Ingrid tar torsken. Magnus tar luten. Lars passer på at alt er rent. Ingrid, Magnus og Lars jobber sammen. De gjør det forsiktig. De vil ikke ha flere uhell.En: So they start again. Ingrid takes the cod. Magnus takes the lye. Lars makes sure everything is clean. Ingrid, Magnus, and Lars work together. They do it carefully. They don't want any more accidents.Nb: Til slutt er lutefisken klar. Den lukter godt. Ingrid, Magnus og Lars er fornøyd. De har ryddet opp rotet. De har laget lutefisk.En: Finally, the lutefisk is ready. It smells delicious. Ingrid, Magnus, and Lars are satisfied. They have cleaned up the mess. They have made lutefisk.Nb: Det begynner å bli kveld. De setter seg ned for å spise. De smaker på lutefisk. De smiler og ler. De er glade. De har hatt en fin dag, til tross for rotet.En: It is starting to get evening. They sit down to eat. They taste the lutefisk. They smile and laugh. They are happy. They have had a nice...

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