The Mischievous Troll: A Brave Mountain Adventure

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Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: The Mischievous Troll: A Brave Mountain Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Nb: Ole, Lars og Ingrid var på fjellet, i en koselig norsk fjellhytte.En: Ole, Lars, and Ingrid were in the mountains, in a cozy Norwegian mountain cabin.Nb: En dag da solen skinte høyt på himmelen, merket de noe uvanlig.En: One day, when the sun was shining high in the sky, they noticed something unusual.Nb: Det var trampende lyder, bråk og knusing.En: There were stomping sounds, noise, and crashes.Nb: Alle tre så på hverandre.En: All three looked at each other.Nb: "Er det et troll?En: "Is it a troll?"Nb: " spurte Ingrid med frykt i stemmen.En: asked Ingrid with fear in her voice.Nb: Ole, som var den modigste av dem, tok på seg jakken.En: Ole, who was the bravest of them, put on his jacket.Nb: "Vi må fange det," sa han.En: "We must catch it," he said.Nb: Lars, den smarte, tenkte hardt og raskt kom opp med en plan.En: Lars, the smart one, thought hard and quickly came up with a plan.Nb: De hadde et stort gammelt fiske nett.En: They had a large old fishing net.Nb: Ole og Lars ville bruke dette nettet til å fange trollet.En: Ole and Lars would use this net to catch the troll.Nb: Men de trengte å distrahere trollet først.En: But they needed to distract the troll first.Nb: Her kommer Ingrid til å spille en viktig rolle.En: Here, Ingrid would play an important role.Nb: Hun kunne spille trekkspill, og trollet, fra de gamle legendene de hadde hørt, elsket trekkspillmusikk.En: She could play the accordion, and from the old legends they had heard, trolls loved accordion music.Nb: Ingrid tok pusten dypt og begynte å spille.En: Ingrid took a deep breath and began to play.Nb: Lyden av trekkspillet hennes fløt rundt, og snart, fra skogen, kom det rampete trollet, med øynene store og tynne ører rettet mot musikken.En: The sound of her accordion floated around, and soon, from the forest, came the mischievous troll, with big eyes and thin ears focused on the music.Nb: Ole og Lars pustet lettet ut da de så planen fungerte.En: Ole and Lars breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the plan working.Nb: Men det var for tidlig å feire.En: But it was too early to celebrate.Nb: Nå var det deres tur til å handle.En: Now it was their turn to act.Nb: De tok det store nettet og begynte å nærme seg trollet.En: They took the large net and began to approach the troll.Nb: Men det var ikke så lett som de trodde.En: But it wasn't as easy as they thought.Nb: Selv om trollet var distrahert, var det fortsatt veldig oppmerksom.En: Despite being distracted, the troll was still very attentive.Nb: De måtte være veldig veldig forsiktige.En: They had to be very very careful.Nb: Etter mange tøffe minutter, klarte Ole og Lars å komme tett nok på trollet.En: After many tough minutes, Ole and Lars managed to get close enough to the troll.Nb: Med et stort hopp kastet de nettet over trollet.En: With a big leap, they threw the net over the troll.Nb: Trollet ga en overraskelse lyd og begynte å kjempe, men nettet var sterkt.En: The troll made a surprised sound and started to fight, but the net was strong.Nb: Ingrid stoppet å spille og kom ut fra hytten.En: Ingrid stopped playing and came out of the cabin.

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