The Triumph of Lars: Rising Above a Fall

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian - Un pódcast de


Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: The Triumph of Lars: Rising Above a Fall Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Nb: Lars var en munter mann fra Oslo.En: Lars was a cheerful man from Oslo.Nb: Han bodde i en liten leilighet midt i byen.En: He lived in a small apartment in the middle of the city.Nb: Han elsket å danse.En: He loved to dance.Nb: Vinterfestivalen kom.En: The Winter Festival arrived.Nb: Alle i Oslo var der.En: Everyone in Oslo was there.Nb: De kom for å se Lars danse.En: They came to see Lars dance.Nb: Lars var ivrig.En: Lars was eager.Nb: Han pratet ikke til noen.En: He didn't talk to anyone.Nb: Lars ønsket å imponere dem.En: Lars wanted to impress them.Nb: Gulvet var laget av is.En: The floor was made of ice.Nb: Det var en del av festen.En: It was part of the celebration.Nb: Folk rundt sto og så på.En: People around stood and watched.Nb: De ventet på Lars.En: They waited for Lars.Nb: Musikken begynte.En: The music started.Nb: Lars begynte å danse.En: Lars began to dance.Nb: Han snurret rundt på isen.En: He spun around on the ice.Nb: Han løftet bena høyt.En: He lifted his legs high.Nb: Folk klappet.En: People applauded.Nb: De likte showet.En: They liked the show.Nb: Han glede seg.En: He was delighted.Nb: Han ble mer dristig.En: He became bolder.Nb: Han sprang på isen.En: He ran on the ice.Nb: Men da skjedde det.En: But then it happened.Nb: Lars gled.En: Lars slipped.Nb: Han falt.En: He fell.Nb: Folk ropte.En: People shouted.Nb: Barna lo.En: Children laughed.Nb: Lars lå på isen.En: Lars lay on the ice.Nb: Han var flau.En: He was embarrassed.Nb: Han ønsket å si unnskyld.En: He wanted to apologize.Nb: Men han sa ingenting.En: But he said nothing.Nb: Han kjente på skammen.En: He felt the shame.Nb: Men så, reiste han seg opp.En: But then, he got up.Nb: Han begynte å danse igjen.En: He started to dance again.Nb: Folk klappet høyere.En: People clapped louder.Nb: De heiet på Lars.En: They cheered for Lars.Nb: Lars danse i ring.En: Lars danced in a circle.Nb: Snurret, hoppet.En: He spun, he jumped.Nb: Han glemte det lille uhellet.En: He forgot about the little accident.Nb: Han bare danset.En: He just danced.Nb: Folk lo.En: People laughed.Nb: Til slutt, stoppet han.En: Finally, he stopped.Nb: Han sto midt på isen.En: He stood in the middle of the ice.Nb: Han bøyde seg.En: He bowed.Nb: Folk klappet.En: People applauded.Nb: De ropte hans navn.En: They called his name.Nb: Lars så på dem.En: Lars looked at them.Nb: Han smilte bredt.En: He smiled widely.Nb: Han hadde overvunnet flauheten.En: He had overcome the embarrassment.Nb: Han hadde danset for folk.En: He had danced for the people.Nb: Fra det øyeblikket, ble Lars en helt.En: From that moment, Lars became a hero.Nb: Han måtte reise seg etter et fall.En: He had to rise after a fall.Nb: Og...

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