Unforeseen Obstacles: A Norwegian Picnic Tale

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian - Un pódcast de FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Unforeseen Obstacles: A Norwegian Picnic Tale Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:https://www.fluentfiction.org/unforeseen-obstacles-a-norwegian-picnic-tale/ Story Transcript:Nb: Lars var på vei mot parken for å møte Ingrid og Kristoffer, han var så spent for piknik.En: Lars was on his way to the park to meet Ingrid and Kristoffer, he was so excited for the picnic.Nb: Han hadde med seg en stor kurv med mat, brettspill og en grønn parasoll.En: He brought a large basket of food, board games and a green parasol.Nb: Det var en varm og solrik dag, og alt så ut til å bli perfekt.En: It was a warm and sunny day and everything seemed to be perfect.Nb: Men akkurat da de skulle sette seg ned, begynte regnet å pøse ned.En: But just as they were about to sit down, the rain began to pour down.Nb: Lars, Ingrid og Kristoffer pakket raskt sammen og løp mot nærmeste tilfluktsrom under et tre.En: Lars, Ingrid and Kristoffer quickly packed up and ran towards the nearest shelter under a tree.Nb: De klemte seg sammen mens lynet smalt og tordnet.En: They huddled together as lightning flashed and thundered.Nb: Kristoffer kunne ikke la være å le av situasjonen.En: Kristoffer couldn't help but laugh at the situation.Nb: "Bare i Norge kan du planlegge en piknik i juli og fortsatt bli fanget midt i et tordenvær," sa han spøkefullt.En: "Only in Norway can you plan a picnic in July and still get caught in the middle of a thunderstorm," he joked.Nb: Mens de ventet på at regnet skulle gi seg, åpnet Lars kurven og begynte å lage deilig mat.En: While they waited for the rain to stop, Lars opened the basket and started cooking delicious food.Nb: De spilte brettspill og pratet om alt og ingenting.En: They played board games and talked about everything and nothing.Nb: Plutselig dro Lars opp et brettspill de aldri hadde spilt før, det var en vanskelig og utfordrende variant av sjakk.En: Suddenly Lars pulled out a board game they had never played before, it was a difficult and challenging variant of chess.Nb: Ingrid var skeptisk og Kristoffer hevdet at han var en mester i sjakk.En: Ingrid was skeptical and Kristoffer claimed that he was a chess master.Nb: De bestemte seg for å spille, og kampen var tøff og vanskelig.En: They decided to play, and the match was tough and difficult.Nb: Da de endelig nærmet seg slutten av spillet, begynte regnet å stilne av og sola tittet frem igjen.En: As they finally neared the end of the game, the rain started to stop and the sun peeked out again.Nb: Lars, Ingrid og Kristoffer var så oppslukt av spillet at de ikke hadde lagt merke til at været hadde blitt bedre.En: Lars, Ingrid and Kristoffer were so engrossed in the game that they hadn't noticed that the weather had improved.Nb: De pakket sammen og bestemte seg for å fortsette pikniken.En: They packed up and decided to continue the picnic.Nb: Etter en stund så de en stor regnbue på himmelen, og Ingrid sa at det var som om naturen hadde unnskyldt seg for været.En: After a while they saw a big rainbow in the sky, and Ingrid said it was as if nature had apologized for the weather.Nb: De lo og koste seg glugg mens de nyter resten av dagen.En: They laughed and enjoyed themselves while enjoying the rest of the day.Nb: Pikniken ble kanskje ikke helt som planlagt, men de tre vennene hadde likevel hatt en flott dag sammen.En: The picnic may not have gone quite as planned, but the three...

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