Unlocking the 'Cozy' Code: A Heartwarming Journey in Oslo

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian - Un pódcast de FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Unlocking the 'Cozy' Code: A Heartwarming Journey in Oslo Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/unlocking-the-cozy-code-a-heartwarming-journey-in-oslo Story Transcript:Nb: Lars, Ingrid og Astrid var gode venner som bodde i Oslo.En: Lars, Ingrid, and Astrid were good friends who lived in Oslo.Nb: En dag møtte de en turist som het Bob.En: One day they met a tourist named Bob.Nb: Han var fra et land langt borte, uten ord som "koselig".En: He was from a faraway land without words like "cozy".Nb: Han var spent på å forstå hva dette betydde.En: He was curious to understand what this meant.Nb: "Astrid," sa Lars, "la oss forklare konseptet 'koselig' til Bob!En: "Astrid," said Lars, "let's explain the concept of 'cozy' to Bob!"Nb: " Ingrid smilte og nikket, "Ja, la oss gjøre det".En: Ingrid smiled and nodded, "Yes, let's do it."Nb: Lars begynte med enkel forklaring.En: Lars started with a simple explanation.Nb: "Koselig hander om å føle seg glad og komfortabel," sa han.En: "Cozy is about feeling happy and comfortable," he said.Nb: Han pekte mot parken.En: He pointed towards the park.Nb: "Ser du alle som sitter i solen?En: "Do you see all those people sitting in the sun?Nb: De har det koselig.En: They are cozy."Nb: "Etter en tur rundt i sentrum, tok de trikken til fjorden.En: After a walk around the city center, they took the tram to the fjord.Nb: Der så Bob mange mennesker som var glade.En: There, Bob saw many happy people.Nb: Noen hadde piknik, noen badet, noen flørtet.En: Some were having a picnic, some were swimming, some were flirting.Nb: Bob så på alt dette og smilte.En: Bob looked at all this and smiled.Nb: "Er de koselige?En: "Are they cozy?"Nb: " spurte han.En: he asked.Nb: Ingrid lo som en skolejente.En: Ingrid laughed like a schoolgirl.Nb: "Ja Bob, de har det koselig!En: "Yes, Bob, they are cozy!"Nb: "Astrid sa da: "Men koselig er mer enn å være glad.En: Astrid then said: "But cozy is more than just being happy.Nb: Det handler også om varme.En: It's also about warmth."Nb: " Hun viste ham en familie rundt et bål.En: She showed him a family around a campfire.Nb: Familien lo, snakket og sang sammen.En: The family laughed, talked, and sang together.Nb: "Se der, Bob.En: "Look there, Bob.Nb: Det er koselig.En: That is cozy."Nb: "Ingrid tilføyet: "Og koselig er også om kose seg med venner, som oss nå".En: Ingrid added: "And cozy is also about enjoying time with friends, like us now."Nb: Lars nikket og sa "Ja, å tilbringe tid med folk du er glad i, det er koselig.En: Lars nodded and said, "Yes, spending time with people you love, that is cozy."Nb: "Da de kom hjem, laget de varm kakao.En: When they got home, they made hot cocoa.Nb: Astrid sjekket om Bob så de tente lysene, teppene, og bøkene de var cosy seg med.En: Astrid checked if Bob noticed the lit candles, blankets, and books they were cozying up with.Nb: Bob nikket og sa: "Dette er koselig, jeg tror jeg forstår nå!En: Bob nodded and said, "This is cozy, I think I understand now!"Nb: " Alle lo med lettelse.En: Everyone laughed with relief.Nb: Så det var da Bob lærte konseptet "koselig".En: So that was when Bob learned the concept of "cozy".Nb: Takket være...

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