Unraveling Norwegian Humor: A Journey of Cultural Misunderstandings

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian - Un pódcast de FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Unraveling Norwegian Humor: A Journey of Cultural Misunderstandings Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/unraveling-norwegian-humor-a-journey-of-cultural-misunderstandings Story Transcript:Nb: Ingrid og Lars bor i Bergen.En: Ingrid and Lars live in Bergen.Nb: Byen er veldig vakker.En: The city is very beautiful.Nb: Høye fjell, havet og gamle, fine hus er overalt.En: Tall mountains, the sea, and old, nice houses are everywhere.Nb: Men viktigst av alt i denne historien er humoren deres: tørr og typisk norsk.En: But most importantly in this story is their humor: dry and typically Norwegian.Nb: En dag skal de møte en venn som kommer fra et annet land.En: One day, they are going to meet a friend who comes from another country.Nb: Vennen heter Tom.En: The friend's name is Tom.Nb: Han er fra England, og spøker mye.En: He is from England and jokes a lot.Nb: Men norske vitser er rart for Tom.En: But Norwegian jokes are strange to Tom.Nb: Han forstår dem ikke helt.En: He doesn't quite understand them.Nb: Så Ingrid og Lars får en idé.En: So Ingrid and Lars have an idea.Nb: De vil lære Tom om norsk humor.En: They want to teach Tom about Norwegian humor.Nb: De tror det blir gøy.En: They think it will be fun.Nb: Lars prøver først.En: Lars tries first.Nb: Han sier en vits.En: He tells a joke.Nb: "Hvorfor ble fjellet lei seg?En: "Why was the mountain sad?"Nb: " spør Lars.En: Lars asks.Nb: "Fordi ingen tok det for gitt," svarer han selv.En: "Because no one took it for granite," he answers himself.Nb: Lars ler.En: Lars laughs.Nb: Men Tom ser bare forvirret ut.En: But Tom just looks confused.Nb: Lars prøver å forklare, men Tom forstår ikke.En: Lars tries to explain, but Tom doesn't understand.Nb: Ingrid prøver neste.En: Ingrid tries next.Nb: Hun forteller en historie om en mann, en fisk og en sykkel.En: She tells a story about a man, a fish, and a bike.Nb: Historien er morsom, fordi den er veldig tørr.En: The story is funny because it is very dry.Nb: Ingrid ler høyt når hun forteller den.En: Ingrid laughs loudly as she tells it.Nb: Men Tom ser bare enda mer forvirret ut.En: But Tom looks even more confused.Nb: Både Ingrid og Lars blir litt lei seg.En: Both Ingrid and Lars are a little sad.Nb: De vil at Tom skal forstå norsk humor.En: They want Tom to understand Norwegian humor.Nb: Kanskje det hjelper å vise Tom rundt i Bergen, tenker de.En: Maybe showing Tom around Bergen will help, they think.Nb: Først går de til Bryggen.En: First, they go to Bryggen.Nb: Det er et gammelt sted med mange fargerike hus.En: It is an old place with many colorful houses.Nb: Lars forteller en historie om husene.En: Lars tells a story about the houses.Nb: Folkene på Bryggen har spesielle regler for malingsfargene, forklarer han.En: The people at Bryggen have special rules for paint colors, he explains.Nb: Hvis naboene har forskjellig smak, kan det oppstå store problemer.En: If neighbors have different tastes, big problems can arise.Nb: Lars ler av dette, men Tom bare nikker.En: Lars laughs at this, but Tom just nods.Nb: Han forstår ikke.En: He doesn't understand.Nb: Så går de...

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