Unyielding Friendship: The Fish Catcher's Triumph

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian - Un pódcast de FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Unyielding Friendship: The Fish Catcher's Triumph Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/unyielding-friendship-the-fish-catchers-triumph Story Transcript:Nb: Åpningen var alt annet enn rolig.En: The opening was anything but calm.Nb: Lars' latter kunne høres gjennom hele fjorden.En: Lars' laughter could be heard throughout the fjord.Nb: Solen skinte i det klare, blå vannet, og fjellene ruvet majestetisk i bakgrunnen.En: The sun shone on the clear, blue water, and the mountains towered majestically in the background.Nb: På sjøens kant sto tre venner: Lars, Ingrid og Ole, alt klare for en morsom dag ute i det vakre norske landskapet.En: On the edge of the sea stood three friends: Lars, Ingrid, and Ole, all ready for a fun day out in the beautiful Norwegian landscape.Nb: Lars, med villige øyne, stirret ned på det klare, friske fjordvannet.En: Lars, with eager eyes, stared down at the clear, fresh fjord water.Nb: Med hendene cupped som en skål, svømte hans blikk over vannoverflaten.En: With his hands cupped like a bowl, his gaze swam across the surface of the water.Nb: Han var ute etter en fisk, en stor en.En: He was after a fish, a big one.Nb: Han hadde lovet sine venner, Ingrid og Ole, at han skulle fange en med bare hendene.En: He had promised his friends, Ingrid and Ole, that he would catch one with just his hands.Nb: Ingrid og Ole, vel vitende om at denne oppgaven var nær umulig, sto i bakgrunnen og lo.En: Ingrid and Ole, knowing full well that this task was nearly impossible, stood in the background and laughed.Nb: De kastet hverandre et tvilsomt blikk, før de brøt ut i ren latter.En: They exchanged doubtful glances before bursting into laughter.Nb: "Lars, du er gal," sa Ingrid, med en smittsom latter.En: "Lars, you're crazy," Ingrid said, with infectious laughter.Nb: "Ja, du vil aldri få en fisk," ropte Ole, og prøvde å tørke tårene som rant av latter.En: "Yeah, you'll never catch a fish," Ole yelled, trying to wipe away the tears of laughter.Nb: Lars smilte bare.En: Lars simply smiled.Nb: Han var full av selvtillit.En: He was full of confidence.Nb: Han bøyde seg ned, armer klar til handling.En: He bent down, arms ready for action.Nb: Blikket hans holdt seg fast på den vakre fjorden.En: His gaze remained fixed on the beautiful fjord.Nb: Dog timene gikk, og skumringen falt.En: However, hours passed and dusk fell.Nb: Ingrid og Ole's latter hadde falt stille.En: Ingrid and Ole's laughter had quieted.Nb: Lars sto fortsatt, hans blikk urokkelig og armer sliten.En: Lars still stood there, his gaze unwavering and his arms tired.Nb: Men hans vilje var ikke slått.En: But his determination was not defeated.Nb: Med et bestemt blikk, prøvde han igjen.En: With a determined look, he tried again.Nb: Og utrolig nok, hans håndverk betalte seg.En: And incredibly, his effort paid off.Nb: Et glimt av sølv og en plask, og Lars løftet en stor, skinnende fisk fra vannet.En: A glimmer of silver and a splash, and Lars lifted a large, shimmering fish from the water.Nb: Ingrid og Ole’s øyne vidnet i vantro.En: Ingrid and Ole's eyes witnessed in disbelief.Nb: "Du gjorde det, Lars!En: "You did it, Lars!"Nb: " utbrøt Ole, mens Ingrid brøt ut i enda mer latter, denne gangen av ren glede.En: exclaimed Ole, as Ingrid broke into even more laughter, this time...

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