The Problem With Women’s Networks — Glambition Radio Episode 191 with Ali Brown

Glambition® Radio with Ali Brown - Un pódcast de Ali Brown

It’s time to call something out in a big way. And as we move into 2020, which will undisputedly be one of the most powerful decades for women in business, I’m excited to announce something I’ve been developing for a while. It’s truly my legacy play… and today on, I’m sharing all the details, as well as the big problem I’ve observed that has led me to this creation.

We are surrounded with an endless cycle of news and updates that repeatedly convince us that in many situations and areas, we as women are behind, treated unequally, victimized, and disempowered.


Much of that is true.

The 2010s were a decade focused on correction. Bringing attention to things that have been wrong a long time. Boldly calling out injustices. Shouting out what needed to be shouted out. Fixing things that needed to be fixed.

And it’s not over by any means.

But the 2020s?

It’s where we really need to take our WORK seriously.

To put more POWER behind our voices. To make more MONEY to amplify that power. And have the courage to step up and LEAD.

It’s critical we pull together to do this. Especially those of us at the higher levels.

The sad fact is however, there’s a BIG problem with current women’s ‘networks’, and it’s holding us back.

Today on Glambition Radio, I’m sharing the fascinating NEW statistics that support what I’ve suspected for years — revealing why most of the entrepreneurial women’s communities you find are designed for part-timers and beginners.

(These groups are great to help women get started. But sadly, female entrepreneurs at higher levels get trapped in these circles.)

>>> But there’s some great news as well that I’m happy to share: Aside from the crowd at the bottom of the revenue scale, those of us generating over $1M are currently THE FASTEST growing segment of women-owned businesses.

And if you’re in or nearing that mark, it’s time we look up and raise the bar.

On #GlambitionRadio, you’ll hear:

Why women entrepreneurs at higher levels don’t need another ‘community’ – they need a powerful NETWORK instead.
How women are shown to typically build ties with other women on the SAME business level... or lower (stunting their growth) — while men typically build networks strategically to match their objectives.
The disturbing evidence of how the level of conversation and information shared at most women’s networking organizations is astoundingly lower quality than that you’ll typically find at groups that include men. (And how we need to fight this.)
My new startup designed for women business owners generating $1M+ per year that’s going to CHANGE all this for women at the higher-levels of entrepreneurship. It’s where you’re going to want to be for 2020 and beyond.

So head to Apple Podcasts now to listen to this episode of Glambition Radio (or download it for later).

And I’d love to know if you, or someone you know, is ready for this next level of impact and success. Come join in the conversation on Instagram or Facebook to let me know.



P.S. I would love your review. If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a review and comment on Apple Podcasts. Select ‘Listen in Apple Podcasts’ then choose the ‘Ratings and Reviews’ tab to share what you think. I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
Show Notes:

Learn more about ‘The Trust’ and request an invitation at
The study ‘Why Women Build Less Effective Networks than Men’
See the ‘American Express 2019 State of Women-Owned Businesses Report’
Listen to past episode ‘The Myopic Business Epidemic’ – Glambition Radio Episode 175 with Ali Brown

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