Eric Thomas | If You Can Dream it, Do it! | Motivational Speech

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Eric Thomas | If You Can Dream it, Do it! | Motivational SpeechSUMMARY:its all about mentality i can't live with the mentality of the majority if i want to be like the minority my mindset my mentality must be as strong as the minority i had to possess the mentality of a giant what does it mean to be a mentality giant it means your mentality is bigger stronger than your challenges it means your mindset is stronger than your setbacks it means you you can overcome anything when you believe in yourself believe in yourself you've overcome a lot to get here and you will overcome anything else that stands in your path there's only two mentalities in this world the excuse makers and the result creators you have to look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself am i really giving my all am i settling for a little life where am i rising and pushing for my best life am i a minnow or a giant am i stepping into my courage or cowering in fear am i taking risks or playing for safety giants stand tall and they go after what they want mentality is everything no one can take it from me you could lose everything but with the strong mentality you will build again you have to become a mentality giant they might knock you down but with a strong mentality you will rise again you will rise again. you have to be built like iron nothing can destroy iron but its own rust can you are the same as i nothing can destroy you but your own mind came no event can destroy you no problem can end you but if you allow your mentality to weaken anything can build that mentality step into the darkness with courage and face your fears what are you going to do next time life knocks you on your ass get up rise up like a giant never settle for less than you truly want never with the right mentality you can survive anything with the right mentality you can conquer anything with the right mentality you can master anything that's the problem with most people today their mentality is weak that's why they don't have the life they want it's not because of the economy it's because they spend more time on the tv set than they do on their mindset what do you expect if you're consuming garbage sooner or later your results are going to resemble garbage feed your mind with something better winners don't get caught up in garbage they are clean of distractions focus on what you want commit to it like it is life and death and don't you dare give up when things get hard that's where you strengthen your mentality in hard times and struggle push through every hard moment in your life and you will be rewarded with character....Buzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREEDisclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.Support the show

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