048 - Georgian Rollerluck
Hamburger Generation | جيل الهمبرجر - Un pódcast de Hamburger Generation | جيل الهمبرجر
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, Fajer & Alison went on a good/bad luck whirlwind of a trip to Georgia. Listen to their story as they recount the ups & downs of their time leading up to and during their trip. A Video version of this episode will be available soon on Hamburger Generation YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj6Zuosxt-4UwL8gz8bzM_Q?sub_confirmation=1 Special thanks & shoutout to Zaid for the AMAZING burgers!! If you want to get a taste, hit us up with your story for a chance to tell it to us on our podcast & enjoy some amazing burgers with us. You can share your story either on our website (hamburger generation.com) or Social Media (Facebook or Instagram) Happy Listening Burgers!