Episode 317: TFMP – Raise Your Vibrational Frequency to Manifest Anything You Want!

The Catherine Plano Podcast - Un pódcast de Catherine Plano


One must not invest such thoughts, time or energy on what has already taken place because one is manifesting. Always. You are co-creating with the Universe every second of your day. You are part of the greater whole, you are not separate from source energy, and you have free will. Always. Before your soul entered this incarnation, there was an agreement made—a soul contract if you will that you agreed to—one that you do not recall and although you have entered this life to learn your lessons and complete your karmic contracts. You have free will to manifest in the present moment. Always. Many wonder how does one co-create. What does one need to do to manifest, and the answer is simple. All one must do is keep an eye on how one feels. For example, if one feels anxiety, the vibrational frequency level is one of fear where one could potentially be frightened about thy future. This is where free will shows up—you have a choice to stay in that lower vibrational frequency, or you have a choice to move up a level. You can move from being frightened about the future to curious about the future, and this shift in focus may cause you to realise that one is disappointed with where one is at; thus, one way to elevate one’s vibrational frequency is to start to question everything and get curious about what one would desire instead. This is extremely important to understand, and it is key that one does not resist what one is feeling but instead allow the feelings to be felt and experienced for you to get curious enough about other options available to you. One must start from where they are to get to where they want to…. New Book: Shifts Only Happen Once You Own Your Sh!t The Deep Work: https://shadow.catherineplano.com.au/ Newsletter: https://catherineplano.com for transformation. Members: https://members.catherineplano.com.au/ Instagram @catherineplano for inspiration.