137. Citizens of the Wold Charter Schools: Christina Aries and Maureen Lamorena-Tatsui
If We Knew Then - Down Syndrome Podcast - Un pódcast de Stephen and Lori Saux - Lunes

In this episode we celebrate Citizens of the World Charter Schools whose approach to inclusion was a life changing discovery for our family. We sit down with Dr. Maureen and Mrs. Aries, Co-principals of CWC, and discuss the importance of inclusion, its impact and why we as parents, if it is what is best for our student, should insist on our child’s right to an inclusive classroom. CWC Website: www.CWCsilverlake.org CWC Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/citizensoftheworldla/ CWC Los Angeles FB: https://www.facebook.com/citizensoftheworldLA CWC Kansas City FB: https://www.facebook.com/cwckansascity Episode Transcript: https://ifweknewthen701833686.wordpress.com/2023/03/26/137-cwc/2/ Please follow us on Twitter @ifweknewthenPOD you can drop us a line on our Facebook page @ifweknewthenPOD or visit our website https://www.IfWeKnewThen.com to send us an email with questions and comments. You can join our mailing list there and get alerts of future podcast episodes. Thank you again and we look forward to you joining us on the next episode of IF WE KNEW THEN.