E75. The Ultimate Transformational Journey – The Only Journey Worth Committing To.

Insights with Joe Pane - Un pódcast de Joe Pane


We are born with a unique blueprint. It comes with no manual or guide. Most people live out their lives not knowing, or understanding or even gaining full clarity of their blueprint. This is one of the reasons people find themselves stuck in one way or another. This stuckness lacks movement and we know by observing nature that anything that doesn’t move begins to die. When we are stuck, whether that be in procrastination, or on the wheels of self - sabotage, lacking meaningful progress, we are vulnerable to anxieties and depressive moods. The way out of this emotional energetic quagmire is by learning how our blueprint functions and what is needed for it to operate effortlessly, efficiently and beautifully. Not knowing our blueprint is like buying mini minor and taking it on a brutal 4 wheel driving track. It seems like a ludicrous analogy but this is exactly what most people do in their lives. Because of this they cling to what they have known, often way past its used by date. Not knowing who you are makes you extremely vulnerable to external forces like main stream media, other people’s opinions, and your history or story. Socrates was apparently known for having said that “an unexamined life is not worth living.” My personal take on Socrates words is that a life ruled by external forces is not worth living. A life where we fail to look within we will go without (thank you Neale Donald Walsh). When we know who we truly are and what we are about all (non clinical) anxieties and depressive moods instantly evaporate. We are no longer emotionally influenced by what is reported by the media, other people’s opinions and most importantly our historical narrative (who we think we are based on what we have been told as kids, teenagers and even as young adults) no longer defines us. In fact when we accurately know and embrace the blueprint we are born with we can begin to take everything in life so lightly. Instead of monumental situations shaking us up, we utilise life’s guaranteed uncertainties to observe, know and embrace our blueprint even more. Our blueprint is designed to handle anything life throws at us. The other crucial chunk of awareness we need to have is that our blueprint evolves or is continually changing….automatically. My wife Silvana and I and been married (at the time of this writing, 2022) for 25 years. We have often said that we are no longer married to the person we married back in 1996. That man and woman ceased to exist a long time ago. So we need to keep up with who we are becoming. The ultimate transformational journey therefor is the journey of self discovery. The answers will not be found ‘out there’. They will be found ‘in here’. This is great Joe, but how? How do we do this? Based on my work over the last 16 years, with thousands of people in group workshops and in private consultation, I have distilled this to 5 core focus points in our lives. Master these and you master your life. Embrace these 5 principles in your life and any non clinical anxiety or depression can be significantly reduced or eliminated. Here they are: 1. Identity 2. Life Stages 3. Values 4. Emotional Flexibility 5. Perspective Hope this helps, there is so much more to this. Feel welcome to register at the next available webinar on the “Emotional Fitness Formula’ where we explore these five focus points deeply and powerfully. The emotional fitness formula is also available as a certification program for coaches and consultants. Register for the upcoming FREE training Go to www.JoePane.com.au

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