E82. This ONE THING can massively impact 2023.

Insights with Joe Pane - Un pódcast de Joe Pane


It has been years since I have set ‘goals.’ The thought of setting another income goal, or health goal, or business goal I find draining, repetitive and boring. Goals are often confused with targets. Nothing wrong with targets if they help you focus, so go for it if it works for you. What if instead we did this ONE new thing? This ONE new thing beautifully fulfils one our most important needs: our need for growth. This is our perpetual need. Without growth we die. Nothing stays still for very long. Everything in the universe without exception is expanding or shrinking, breathing out or breathing in, green and growing or ripe and rotting. The precursor to growth is uncertainty. Uncertainty is presented to us in various forms. It can be experienced in an array of flavours and colours. It can be experienced by embracing (instead of resisting) challenges presented to us. It can be invited into our lives as a form of adventure, or for some of us in the form of variety and  the wide choices and experiences this brings. The richer our lives are in uncertainty, or challenge or adventure or variety the more we grow. The more we grow, the more we are fulfilled, the deeper the fulfilment the fuller we live. Life lived fuller does not mean faster, it means deeper. Now, what is the ONE THING which can massively impact 2023 and take us to places we don’t even know exist? (Sounds more exciting than a weight goal or a money goal….) Before we get to that, we need to embrace something important. We need to embrace courage. The courage to be loyal to our values, the courage to love, the courage to be vulnerable, the courage to live life deep, the courage to step into your truth, the courage to be you. Wow…this sounds like a lot! Well, it may seem that way but if we do this ONE THING we automatically take care of all these various expressions of courage. Here’s the ONE THING😊I warn you…do not allow the simplicity of what I am about to share to minimise this message in any way. THIS I know will make a big difference! What if in 2023 we embrace the courage to follow our intuitive hits, our hearts, and our emotional compass down NEW paths? That’s it! Follow the wisdom of your heart instead of the certainty seeking nature of our ego centric minds? What if we all just did this for one year!!! Follow the swirl of your souls instead of the mess of our minds. This WORKS! I know this because we did this ONE thing in 2021! Any opportunity which led down a new path we embraced. This ended up with our big move with our family to Noosa in the Sunshine Coast of Queensland Australia, from Melbourne 2000km down south where we lived all of our 50 years of life. This decision was based on a spirit / heart level. It most certainly was not a decision based on our linear logical minds. On a logical level it made no sense to leave everyone we know and everything we know to move to place we knew little about and had nobody we knew. We had no idea if it would work out! Turns out to be one of best decisions we have ever made! This then led to one of my most profoundly successful years I have ever had in my life, on all levels. The problem with goals is that we can only see from where we are at, whereas following our intuitive hits, our hearts down new paths brings us to a completely different vantage point which we could not see from where we are trying to set goals from. Imagine your 2010 version of you trying to set goals for you in 2023….it would place huge limits to what may have been possible in 2022. My 2021 version of me COULD not even begin to imagine what 2022 introduced our family to... Visit the Insights blog to read more on www.joepane.com.au/blog ---------------- Register for the upcoming FREE training Go to www.JoePane.com.au 

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