A Conversation w/ Deep Water Heart Surgeon, Isabella Braveheart
Joshua T Berglan 'The World's Mayor' - Un pódcast de Joshua T Berglan 'The World's Mayor'

Isabella Braveheart joins Joshua T Berglan for one of the most profound conversations about TRUTHyou will ever hear.For some, this broadcast will bring healing, for others clarity, and for others, it may set you free.Named the Deep Water Heart Surgeon by one of her clients, Urban Priestess Isabella Braveheart bridges the depths of the underworlds with the ecstasy of the upperworlds - burning down what needs to die so that more life can live.Isabella is an evolutionary performance artist, playwright and self-expression coach who transmutes the pains of humanity into the voice of truth through in service of bringing our global family back to wholeness and love. She is a voice for speaking the unspoken. Eyes for seeing the unseen. And a heart for feeling the unfelt.Isabella completed an international tour of her one-woman show, A Pilgrimage of EmBODYment, and debuted BODY – The Raw Truth About Body Image, an unapologetically edgy show about the hunger pains of the feminine in a world without female leadership.Isabella runs Express - a 9 month program of unapologetic self-expression and truth-telling as a way of life, and Naked Truth, a program serving entrepreneurs and change agents to uncover and express their own stories on stage through embodied storytelling and performance art.Isabella also works one-on-one with high-performing businessmen to expand levels of pleasure, power and purpose through energetic, emotional and erotic intimacy.Life is explicit, uncensored and unpredictably evocative. So is Isabella.LINKS -https://www.isabellabraveheart.com/truthbetold7daychallengehttps://www.isabellabraveheart.com/expresshttps://www.isabellabraveheart.com/nakedtruthThank you for being a part of this broadcast!With love,Joshua T BerglanThank you to our sponsorsDescriptSupapassFilmoraMedia Company In A Box