"Insights" Vol. 8 with Lindsay Brown and Joshua T Berglan
Joshua T Berglan 'The World's Mayor' - Un pódcast de Joshua T Berglan 'The World's Mayor'

Join Lindsay Brown, a passionate and purpose-filled Ocular Melanoma survivor, and Joshua T Berglan in an exclusive interview on Dirt Merchants Movie Company's platform, DirtMerchantsFilms.com. Tune in to 'Insights', inspired by the Dirt Merchants Movie Company's film, Vino Royale and be a part of an authentic, inspiring, and fun conversation. Hear their personal journeys of overcoming life's hardships – from Lindsay's battle with Ocular Melanoma to Joshua's painful loss of his father to melanoma.Learn about Lindsay's role as the VP of Sales and Marketing for Beyond Clean, and her endeavors as a keynote speaker in the U.S and Canada, advocating for safe surgery and the value of time. Explore how Lindsay and her company are revolutionizing the media landscape and their approach to new media platforms. Plus, get an insider's look at life in Northfield, Minnesota, and Minneapolis. Don't miss this opportunity to be inspired by Lindsay's resilience and dedication, all while managing her thriving birth doula business and raising her three vibrant kids. Support Lindsay's work Below are a couple of my favorite film projects we've done together in healthcare.Company Feature: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eBOAO39iwE&t=119sProduct Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnbsuMO4oAYProfessional Growth YouTube Series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQADKYcNtEs&list=PLAtiI9eKWFN6nn9fC1OLG9JZ-lf5yDnpI Inspiring post diagnosis video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8dx7jo85z0&list=PLAtiI9eKWFN6nn9fC1OLG9JZ-lf5yDnpI&index=12