March 3rd 2023 Hunger Strike for A Clear Path Home
Joshua T Berglan 'The World's Mayor' - Un pódcast de Joshua T Berglan 'The World's Mayor'

On March 3rd 2023 men from all over the country who are locked up in Civil Commitment institutions will begin a hunger strike. Their only request is that the "treatment" facilities provide a Clear Path Home. While most treatment programs have clear rules and regulations on how to graduate from a program, Civil Commitment facilities like MSOP Mooselake refuse to honor their own guidelines. Instead, they instill fear, and other psychological warfare methods to make it nearly impossible to ever leave the program. On top of that, these men are not getting proper medical treatment or care for physical and mental health. Why would someone do that you ask? Why would governments allow human trafficking to take place? Why does the government lie to the public to gain support for wars that do not need to be fought? Why lie about the safety of a product? I think you know the answer. In this video Joshua speaks before he gets his first call from Daniel, an inmate/patient at Mooselake MSOP, and following him is Russ. This is the long-form video of MSOP Hunger Strike that is only 15 minutes. Thank you for being here. If you feel led to support Joshua's work, please go give here