The Juveniles of MSOP "Timothy Sarne-Brandt" by Joshua T Berglan
Joshua T Berglan 'The World's Mayor' - Un pódcast de Joshua T Berglan 'The World's Mayor'

*Please forgive the audio form the prison not being perfect. There are some bad patches however you will be able to hear Timothy most of the time pretty well. We did the best we could to boost the audio. Thank you for understanding and for watching. Born with Klinefelter Syndrome, a condition that Timothy Sarne-Brandt was born with that causes problems with learning and sexual development, and also makes him grow to extraordinary heights. At the age of 16 Timothy was locked up as a sex offender and has been in a Civil Commitment facility his entire life. Now 49 years old, 7ft 2 inches tall, and over 400 pounds, Timothy has 33 blood clots in his lungs and falls multiple times daily even being confined to an ill-fitting wheelchair that causes skin breakdown. Did Timothy even have a chance? The Juveniles of MSOP "Timothy Sarne-Brandt" is shocking, heartbreaking, and yet inspiring in its own way. I have frankly never heard a story like this in my life and it is one the is required to hear with an open heart. Thank you for listening. TTo see episode 1, please click here. To see Episode 2, please click here. To see Episode 3, please click here. To see Episode 4, please click here. To see Episode 5, please click here. To see all UnCivil Justice broadcasts, please click here. Thank you to our Sponsors Filmora Kings Counsel & Trust Descript Supapass Media Company in A Box