Truth Tellers and Why You Need One - IBM CHRO Nickle LaMoreaux
Lead the Team (Top 2% of Podcasts) - Un pódcast de Ben Fanning

Do you have a truth teller in your corner? Someone who tells you the hard truths, even when it's uncomfortable? Leaders benefit from having someone who has your best interests at heart and isn't afraid to speak up when they see something wrong. I host Nickle LaMoreaux, IBM Chief Human Resources Officer, who shares why you need a truth teller and powerful strategy to find one.Nickle leads IBM’s people strategy, skills, employee experience and services, and global HR team supporting more than 250,000 IBMers across 170 countries.In her 20 years at IBM, Nickle has led HR across organizations ranging from services to software to emerging markets – supporting the company’s business growth through leadership development, talent acquisition, performance management, and skill building.As VP of Compensation and Benefits, she led the design and deployment of all compensation and benefits programs globally. She was also responsible for the HR activities associated with mergers, acquisitions and divestitures, and drove the people side of the Red Hat acquisition.Nickle holds a Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Labor Relations from Cornell University, and a Masters of Business Administration from Duke University.LinkedIn Profile Link: You’ll Discover in this Episode:The question every leader should use to think about their career.How Nickle passed on a promotion and still grew her career.A time she “got it wrong’ and how it led to her success down the road.Her personal process for self-reflection.What gets her up in the morning.A helpful strategy for maintaining work-life balance,Why you need a “truth teller” in your career and a helpful strategy to find one.The key difference between truth tellers versus a mentor/sponsor.Why understanding WHEN your team work is just as important as where and how.How “New Collar” workers can solve your hiring problem.Resources:Fast Company Article - -----Connect with the Host, #1 bestselling author Ben FanningSpeaking and Training inquiresSubscribe to my Youtube channelLinkedInInstagramTwitter