Speaking Club 01.12.2019

Learn English with Teacher Meysam - Un pódcast de Teacher Meysam


Youtube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWJW9ytceOaZjPYVRtFUfMw download the notes: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xCacQRXFrDngjCDk9g-10_0oI363b1Hl/view?usp=drivesdk Vocabulary and synonyms and related words for Anger Questions: 1. What causes anger? 2. Are there different types of anger? 3. What are various ways people respond to anger? 4. Is anger ever a good thing? If so, when? Why? 5. Is anger ever a bad thing? If so, when? Why? 6. Are there better and worse ways to respond to one's own anger? 7. How do you decide what to do when you get angry? 8. Do you think men and women show their angry differently? 9. What makes you angry? 10. When was the last time you got angry? a. Tell us about it. 11. What do you usually do when you get angry? 12. What are the situations that make you angry? 13. What are the physical effects of getting angry? (e.g blood pressure...) 14. Is getting angry an effective way of dealing with problems? Noun: Annoyance (n) Irritation (n) Displeasure (n) Resentment (n) Rage (n) Fury (n) Wrath (n) Outrage (n) Temper (n) Ill temper (n) Ill humor (n) Verb: Annoy (v) Irritate (v) Vex (v) Provoke (v) Displease (v) Infuriate (v) antagonize (v) Make someone blood boil (v) Expressions: Drive mad/crazy (exp) Make someone see red (exp) Rattle someone’s cage (exp) Get up someone’s nose (exp) 1. Cause = provocation – purpose – pretext – excuse – motivation – reason – producer – creator – foundation – basis 2. Type = sort – form – manner – nature – quality – condition – description – style – genre – set – group – classification – category – class – variety – kind 3. Method = course of action – process – system – technique – procedure – plan – strategy – manner – approach – style – nature – way of doing things – custom and practice – habit – aspect – situation – state 4. Respond = return the favor – make a response – react – answer – reply 5. Decide = determine – conclude – come to the conclusion – form the opinion – consider – believe – guess – recon – make a decision – make up one’s – resolve – elect – choose – have the intention – sort out – figure out 6. Show = manifest – exhibit – reveal – convey – make known – express – make obvious – give away – indicate – present oneself – show up – emerge – appear – display – depict – portray – picture (v) – illustrate – uncover – demonstrate – introduce – 7. Tell = mention – notify – let know – inform – speak – utter – state – declare – say – communicate – narrate – recite – describe – convey – indicate – talk – open one’s mouth 8. Do = behave – act – progress – cope – carry out – undertake – execute – perform – bring about – work out – perform – engage – be involved in – participate in – play in – act in – perform in – take part in 9. Situation = state – circumstance – condition – case 10. Effect = impact – effectiveness – influence – result – reaction – consequence – affect – have an impact on – infect 11. Deal with = cope with – handle – manage – take care of – sort out – tackle – take charge of – control – master – treat – act towards – behave towards 12. Problem = difficulty – issue – trouble – worry – difficult situation – mess – setback – hurdle – obstacle – drawback – can of worms – misfortune – headache – prob – hassle – dilemma – pain in the neck – source of difficulty or trouble – bother

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