044. "My comfort food has changed completely": Nikola

Life After Sugar - Un pódcast de Netta - Domingos


When Nikola Howard was still eating sugar, she had no energy, she was in pain, she had skin issues, and she was often moody and "hangry" (which is when you're so hungry that you're angry). She had to eat every two hours or so, otherwise she would become impatient and bad-tempered.It wasn't until  she was in her 40s that she realized how sugar was affecting her brain and her whole life and relationships.Like many of us, she had spend her teens and her twenties following low fat diets. But she wasn't eating enough, plus she depended on fruit for sweetness, and she was hungry all the time.In the early 90s, she read a book by Dr. Atkins, and logically, it made sense to her. She then started researching about the history and science of nutrition, and all its methodological constraints.In this episode, Nikola tells about how she used to consume lots of ice cream and potatoes as a self-medication to soothe and calm herself in times of stress. She didn't know how else to cope. When her suffering and pain became too great, she decided to change. And even her comfort foods have changed!Now she has the resiliency and the personal power to ask better questions, and to analyze what was really going on in her life. This led her to become a qualified coach in 2016. Not eating sugar has made her into a more patient and compassionate person. She now helps others to ask better questions too, and teaches them to feed their body and mind more effectively by using her H.O.P.E. protocol. She explains it in this episode.To contact Nikola, go to: https://lowcarbinthe.uk/To download your simple guide to getting more energy with less sugar, go to: https://aftersugarclub.com/energy-guide/And if you're looking for a community where you can get support, encouragement, and guidance to break free from sugar, join us in the After Sugar Club here: https://aftersugarclub.com/asc1/To rate and review this podcast: scroll down in your podcast player on your phone and click on the stars. To leave a review, scroll down a little more and click on "Write a Review". Once you’ve finished, select “Send” or “Save” in the top-right corner. If you’ve never left a podcast review before, enter a nickname. Your nickname will be displayed on your review. After selecting a nickname, tap OK. Your review may not be immediately visible, but it should be posted soon. Thank you! - NettaDisclaimer: Information provided by Life After Sugar is not designed to and does not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment or services to you or to any other individual. This is general information for educational purposes only. The information provided is not a substitute for medical or professional care. Life After Sugar is not liable or responsible for any advice, information, services or product you obtain through Life After Sugar. You should always seek the advice of your physician or mental health professional before taking any action in response to any information on the Life After Sugar website or programs. Any action on your part in response to the information provided in the Life After Sugar website or programs is at your own risk.