Make Sure You Get the Real Thing
Love Worth Finding | Audio Program - Un pódcast de Adrian Rogers

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Matthew 6:19-24In this plastic world we live in, many of us sell out too cheaply and end up with the wrong thing. Many people think they are wealthy and are not, because they do not have what truly matters. Jesus warns us to make sure we get the real thing, for that is where true satisfaction lies.Matthew 6:19-20 says, “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven…”First, we must understand what true riches are, so we can possess real wealth.A man is poor, no matter how much he has, when he seeks satisfaction in his money. Our lives are not a sum of our possessions; when we act as if they are, we’ll be empty.A man is also poor when his money increases his trouble; there comes a point when all that we think we need is actually a burden rather than a blessing.A man is poor when the goal of his life is making money; this consuming drive will control his character and distort his values.A man is poor when he has no treasure in Heaven; we will not bring our earthly riches with us into Heaven. Anything of real value is of lasting value; the more we give of it, the more we have of it.Second, we must perceive real wisdom, which is not intelligence or knowledge; it is seeing things in the correct light.“The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is [a]good, your whole body will be full of light” (Matthew 6:22).Wisdom is found in focusing, single-mindedly, on Jesus and living in the light of that knowledge.Adrian Rogers says, “You can go deeper into Christ, but you’ll never go beyond Christ.”Finally, we must make sure we practice real worship.Worship is not just for church on Sundays—it is an entire heart posture. It is bowing to the Lord every day. No one can serve two masters; we serve God alone, or not at all. He is Lord of all—there is no rival, refusal or rebuttal—and He is worthy of all of our worship.Apply it to your lifeAre you certain you have the real thing? Do you possess true wealth, perceive true wisdom, and practice true worship? Consider where your devotion lies today, and pray that you would have a single-minded focus on the Lord.