Michael Salla's interview with Mark Domizio : 38 Years On Mars Colonies & Space Programs

Multiverse 5D - Un pódcast de Luciano Dias Yassuda @ Multiverse 5D

Michael Salla: 38 Years On Mars Colonies & Space Programs In 1981, Mark Domizio was coerced into serving for two years with a highly classified “Black Navy” operating out of a Deep Underground Military Base at Diego Garcia. After performing several abduction missions, Mark says he was imprisoned and tortured for his unwillingness to kill targets ordered by his superiors. At the end of his service in 1983, two clones or ‘alters’ were preserved that were infused with his soul extracts made possible by advanced extraterrestrial technologies. The clones were then put into service, one with the Black Navy at Diego Garcia and the other with secret space programs operating out of Mars. In part 3 of this interview series, Mark talks about the clone on Mars who was given the name ‘Sam’ and performed a variety of missions including assassination on behalf of organizations such as the Kruger, Dark Fleet, and a mysterious operative called “the Old Man”. Sam was involved in the destruction of a base on Mars populated by 250,000 personnel who were mostly slaves, and other disturbing missions ordered by his superiors. When Sam died in 2022, his soul fragment returned to Mark carrying with it all the memories of Sam’s missions. Mark describes the emotional trauma he had to overcome in dealing with both Sam and Han’s violent filled memories, and how connecting to his higher consciousness helped him heal these, and reintegrate his personality. To watch part 1 on Mark domizio's experience, access the link https://exopolitics.org/clones-black-navy-operations-at-diego-garcia/ To watch part 2 on Mark domizio's experience, access the link https://exopolitics.org/34-years-in-a-deep-underground-military-base-at-diego-garcia/

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