The US Military Industrial Complex, The Fourth Reich, and Catastrophic Disclosure of UFO secrets

Multiverse 5D - Un pódcast de Luciano Dias Yassuda @ Multiverse 5D

The US Military Industrial Complex, The Fourth Reich, and Catastrophic Disclosure of UFO secrets YouTube Michael Salla Instagram @multiverse5dpodcast Descrição The US Military Industrial Complex, The Fourth Reich, and Catastrophic Disclosure of UFO secrets Michael Salla - February 2024 According to John Warner IV, the US military-industrial complex has for decades hidden the truth about encounters with extraterrestrial life and technology, and the existence of a breakaway German colony in Antarctica that survived the collapse of Nazi Germany in 1945. Advanced technologies acquired from crashed flying saucers, and secret agreements reached with the Antarctica Germans/Fourth Reich and extraterrestrials, have led to the development of multiple secret space programs. Warner asserts that corporations control the reverse-engineered technologies through the historical application of “Internal Research and Development” agreements reached with US military services that were in possession of captured non-human technologies. Warner believes that past attempts at UFO disclosure were aborted due to the vested interests of major corporations and political elites who stood to lose reputations and livelihoods if the truth about alien life and a surviving German Antarctica colony was ever publicly disclosed. He claims that the most recent example occurred in 2005 through a secret disclosure conference recently revealed by Dr Hal Puthoff, which Warner learned involved the Arlington Institute. Consequently, he believes that we are headed for a catastrophic disclosure where a major nation such as Russia or China will disclose what they know about visiting extraterrestrial life. He remains pessimistic about the full truth ever being publicly revealed due to the great power corporations hold over reverse-engineered technologies, which allows them to dictate the extent and pace of UFO disclosure by manipulating public information sources.

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