Mental Health: Types of Mental Illnesses that affect our communities. PART 1

Mental Health among the Somali community has been taboo for far too long but nonetheless there has been some progress made . Our objective with this conversation with Mental Health advocate and special guest , Samira Aideed , is to contribute to the progress by sharing our own struggles as well . We will discuss the 10 most Common Mental Health Challenges and dive deeper into how we have seen many play out silently within our own households and communities. Most importantly, we hope that you realize if you are struggling with mental health challenges , you most certainly are not alone. We understand the lack of conversations and knowledge that comes with some traditional cultures and religions . For those who are hesitant to speak to your family or friends, we have provided a list of resources that will hopefully bring You the comfort and ease you need to seek help. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! NASEEHA : - Naseeha provides our community with the tools needed to address mental health. With our confidential helpline, our youth receives immediate, anonymous, and confidential support over the phone from 12 – 9 pm, 7 days a week. With our educational programs, we raise awareness within the community the stigma around mental health. MCAPN : - Here at the Muslim Counsellor and Psychotherapist Network (MCAPN) we aim to help end the stigma by talking openly about mental health. To acknowledge and recognise that we all have mental health and anyone, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity or religion can suffer from a mental health problem. TOGETHERALL: An anonymous community where members can support each other · Access 24 hours a day, 365 days a year . Easy to sign up and talk to others who are going through similar situations and emotions as you. “We believe it’s important to provide a place of safety without judgement for people to get together to support each other, whilst also recognising mental health does not discriminate; we all have to look after it." -Togetherall ISLAMICCOUNSELLING: All counselling models are based on underlying philosophies about what it means to be a human being and what it means to be healthy. In our model of Islamic Counselling these concepts come from the Islamic Science of the Self (Nafsiyat), developed in Tassawwuf, an aspect of which is repairing the heart. In this framework, human beings are more than simply their bodies or their minds. When problems arise, often we can’t resolve the problem with our minds or our bodies, so we are compelled to open up our hearts in search of understanding. Islamic Counselling is about doing this with someone who is trained to listen to the difficulty of the situation, but also to the deeper potential in the person experiencing it, through powerful but subtle skills. MWNH: Muslim Women Network Helpline- - “ We have set up and operate a national specialist faith and culturally sensitive helpline that is confidential and non-judgmental, which offers information, support, guidance and referrals for those who are suffering from or at risk of abuse or facing problems on a range of issues. “ -MWNH PSYCHOLOGYTODAY: website where you can to find a psychotherapist, social worker or psychologist online or in person ( depending on covid regulations) You can You can filter by gender, population, insurance. Support groups as well as treatment centres across Ontario are listed are also available . (ON) BOUNCE BACK : : BounceBack® is a free skill-building program managed by the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA). It is designed to help adults and youth 15+ manage low mood, mild to moderate depression and anxiety, stress or worry. Delivered over the phone with a coach and through online videos, you will get access to tools that will support you