013 - Dianne Ashcroft Lessons Learnt After 300+ Videos

Podiatry Legends Podcast - Un pódcast de Tyson E Franklin


Shooting videos for your podiatry business become so much easier when you stop worrying about what other people think and just get on with sharing what you know. Dianne Ashcroft from Warrington, England and owner of Lane Ends Podiatry has shot more than 300 plus videos for her podiatry business, and she admits the hardest video to shoot was video number one. However, after shooting and posting her first video Dianne realised she didn't die, so she just kept doing them because she understood the value they held for her podiatry business and patients.   Be Relatable The easiest way to relate to someone is just to be yourself, so when you're shooting videos don't try and be something you're not. Be authentic.  Yes, some patients will not like what you create. They will deselect themselves if they do not enjoy your videos, which is great.  Don't Worry About Opinions Don't allow yourself to get held back by someone else's opinion. If they don't like your videos, no one is forcing them to watch, but if one person watches it and gets something out of it, it was worth doing. 15 or 15000 Views It's not about how many views you get, 15 or 15000, or the number of positive comments you receive, it's about sharing what you know and waiting to see who you help.  Who cares if you get a few thumbs down. They're not your market.  Where Do You Get Your Ideas? Not a lot of thought or planning goes into Dianne's videos. If an idea pops into her head, she picks up her phone and starts recording. It's that simple.  It's not about having perfect hair, clothing, lighting or being in the right mood; it's about being spontaneous and understanding you need to be you. That will attract people.  Use personal stories, interests and even your challenges.  Make Your Videos and Post Personal Dianne decided to create Weigh-In-Wednesday, and she used her own weight loss goal for the weekly posts. When you put yourself out there to your patients, that's accountability.  What holds us back is this fear of what people will think of us. Ask yourself, what's the worse that can happen? Don't be afraid to share your interests.  Share Now, Not Later Don't wait to share what you know. If you wait another year to share your podiatry knowledge, that's one more year where people could have benefited from your experience. It's not fair not to share what you know. You owe it to your patients to share your thoughts and ideas.  You Will Be Five Years Older Regardless  Dianne didn't start podiatry as a career until she was 27 years of age and realised you're never too old to start pursuing what your interests.   Put in the time and effort now, because in five years you're still going to be five years older. If there's an area of podiatry you want to get better in, there's no better time than now to get started. Stop putting it off.  "If you want something to change you've got to do something to make the change happen". Learn From Nick Knight If there's a specific area of podiatry you want to pursue, be like Nick Knight (Episode 011) and pursue it 100%. Nick Knight wanted to do Musculoskeletal & Sports Podiatry, and that's what he did, but he had to put in the work.  "When you see someone doing something you want to do, it means it is doable". Becoming interested in one area of podiatry is a great way to niche your business, and it also saves a lot of money when it comes to marketing.  No Regrets You don't want to be ninety-five years of age and have regrets for not doing something you always wanted to do. Fear can hold you back, but you've got to learn to get out of your own way.   "Stop worrying about what other people think".  Dream Bigger We can afford to dream even bigger now because of technology. How we communicate with each other, and our patients have changed so much over the past ten years. Technology is there for the taking, and if you don't take the opportunity, you've only got yourself to blame. Using videos to promote your podiatry business and your brand is just one piece of technology that is available to everybody.  The Pods Heal Heel Campaign This campaign was all about podiatrists working together to share a universal message about podiatry, consistently over three weeks and it paid big dividends for everyone involved and also for the profession.  "You must get out of the mindset that every podiatrist is a competitor; they're not." If you have any questions about this episode, podiatry marketing or one-on-one business mentoring, please email me at [email protected]  OSGO Healthcare Workshop: How To Apply The Six Pillars of Marketing To Grow Your Podiatry Business. LIVERPOOL 10th October 2019.  Podiatry Legends Facebook Page I have set up a Podiatry Legends Facebook page, where I will be posting additional small business tips and information regarding podiatry events around the world. Check it out: Podiatry Legends Facebook Page.  Podcast Reviews If you enjoyed this podcast, it would put a big smile on my face if you left a review on iTunes or your favourite podcast platform.   Most Recent Review Love it! ☆☆☆☆☆ I’m really enjoying this Podcast. It’s great to hear the back stories of Pods from all over the world. Some of them I know, some I have heard of and admired from afar, and some are new to me. They have all been so interesting and shared some valuable pearls of wisdom. Thanks, Tyson, such a great idea. What an awesome profession Podiatry can be. Wazabon via Apple Podcasts ·Great Britain ·03/15/2019 If you want additional business, marketing and management tips for your podiatry business you will enjoy my other podcast; It's No Secret with Dr T.

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