# 9 - 7 Ways To Run A World Class Team And Master Communication In Your Business

Profitable Farmer - Un pódcast de Farm Owners Academy


  The 1st Component:  CLEAR JOB DESCRIPTIONS   It has to be written up.  Making a clear job description for each team member has to be in writing – enumerate the tasks for clarity and better understanding.  I endorse a great book called ‘The E-Myth’ by Michael Gerber.  It’s a fantastic book to read if you are a business owner.  The author talks about the importance of having an organisational chart, applying to every single business. Overview of Departments: CEO Responsible for setting the vision and direction of the business An excellent leader Thinks strategically about the future of the business Marketing Department Takes care of effective branding and presence of the business Website maintenance as you need a method to reach new clients Open up new markets The brain of marketing This position needs energy to take charge of the marketing tasks Innovative I’d like to call it the Production Line of the business Sales Department They find the clients Highly essential in growing the business Operations Ensures every single task on your farms gets DONE Ensures all systems are functional and effective| Human Resource This is not applicable for small farms but certainly becomes an area as you get bigger The department that looks after the team Makes sure everyone is happy They facilitate performance reviews Takes care of the recruitment and motivation systems Manages training systems IT Department Sets up email addresses for each team member Makes sure everyone can communicate and connect Maintains all technical systems Administration Department Administration behind the book work Filing They work hand-in-hand with the Operations team Takes care of all the back-office tasks They are the behind-the-scene machine of a business Finance Department Responsible for budgeting All other business financial matters It is imperative that you split out these roles and get a lot of clarity as to what are all the tasks that need to be done to run your farming business. What typically occurs is, you being the business owner are also the busiest person doing everything that nothing really gets done well. And I find it humorous because you get to a stage where you feel you cannot do everything OR, You hire someone but not sure what you want them to do, resulting to them making a lot of mistakes And then, You start fixing all the mistakes and end up making a decision that no one can do the tasks as well as you.  You take back all the jobs you have delegated which causes chaos because you failed to sit down and actually write out a list. THE REAL FIX: Have a concrete list. Write it out clearly. What tasks do you want team/family members to do for you? How do you want the tasks done? When do you expect results? Break the business up. Bring accountability and responsibility to certain components in running your business. START YOUR LIST NOW! Once you have your tasks list, think of a team/family member best suited for the work and write the name next to it. This is the easiest method to create a job description. The 2nd Component:  GWC   G – they Get it  W – they Want it  C – they have the Capacity to do it   In running a world-class team, it is critical to make sure that the person you choose for each job ‘gets and understands’ the details of each task. I have had a number of examples on this in my career in running businesses and working with team members.  Once I delegated a detailed job to a person that has an outgoing personality.  This person doesn’t get detail. I was giving the wrong task but also this person may be way more suited in Marketing, as an example. Lesson here is, align the job description to the right personality. Kolbe.com is a fantastic tool I highly recommend.  Get the team member do a personality profile.  The results will tell you if a person is outgoing or an introvert, detail-oriented or people-oriented, and it effectively helps you to determine if the person gets it and wants it. It is pointless giving someone a

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