[Get Unblocked Series] “I don’t want to annoy people, and have them thinking I only care about money.” EP335

ProjectME with Tiffany Carter – Entrepreneurship & Millionaire Mindset - Un pódcast de Tiffany Carter


When you’re constantly being called “a spoiled brat” as a child just for having regular kid needs, it changes you. I did my best as an only child to be a good girl, and stay as quite as possible. The price to pay for upsetting my sometimes single and always working Mom was not one I wanted to pay. So it would always feel like a gut-punch when she would call me a “spoiled brat,” as I knew I didn’t do anything wrong…other than say I was hungry and ask, “what’s for dinner?” After being called this enough times, I started to believe it…and this belief is still slightly there today, even after 15 plus years of doing deep healing and personal development work. When we believe something, whether it’s a new belief or one carried over from childhood, we end up making decisions out of that space, attracting people and experiences from that energy; this typically happens without us even realizing it. Starting a personal brand brought up a ton of crap for me, it still does. Truly I feel one of the reasons it took me ten years to start ProjectME is because I was afraid people would think I was a “spoiled brat,” and that me showing up all over the interwebs meant the “world revolved around me” (another Mom favorite). As part of my new “Get Unblocked” podcast series, I had to go after the thought that is preventing you from showing up 100% for your business,  “I don’t want to annoy people, and have them thinking I only care about money.” If you have this concern, where do you think this comes from? Was there any other time you felt like this in your life? What would you be afraid of IF someone did think you only cared about money? Let me walk you though this deeply rooted belief, and help you release it, so you can be free to show up to confidently showcase your business and offerings. MEGA Bonus Flash Sale is going on right now for my ProjectME Posse Group Coaching Membership. Stop trying to figure it out all on your own, and let me show you how to get consistent clients and cash only for only $100 per month. Yup that’s it!!! First 30 new members get my brand new bonus >>> 30 Days to Profits Content Calendar (valued at $197). It’s all mapped out for you >> exactly what to post, and in which format. To get all of the details and join visit my website at projectmewithtiffany.com/projectmeposse or visit the link in my bio on Instagram @projectme_with_tiffany. Welcome to ProjectME the Podcast with your host Tiffany Carter, who takes the mystery out of making BIG money? A former NBC and CBS TV journalist, turned multi-millionaire entrepreneur, teaching you all things wealth, health, worth, and business. You can follow Tiffany on Instagram @projectme_with_tiffany  on Facebook @projectmewithtiffany and watch her TV episodes on ProjectME TV with Tiffany Carter on YouTube.

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