Quoth the Raven #330 - Palisades Gold Radio: No Soft Landing Means Own Hard Assets
Quoth the Raven - Un pódcast de Quoth the Raven

In an interview last week, QTR talks hikes, cycles, timing, gold, silver, miners, bitcoin, potential for a gold reversal, Western leadership, Argentina, emerging markets and optimism vs. reality. Subscribe to my Substack, Fringe Finance, here: http://quoththeraven.substack.com Podcast listeners can take 50% off a Substack annual subscription for life by using this link: https://quoththeraven.substack.com/subscribe?coupon=92245385 Contribute a paltry recurring donation via Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/QTRResearch One time donations can also be sent via PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/qtrresearch QTR merch is available here. You can also follow me on YouTube, and Twitter. THANK YOU TO ALL OF MY KIND PATRONS. Please show love to those who support the QTR Podcast: Masterworks - use code QTR at Masterworks.com to skip the waiting list JM Bullion - where QTR buys gold & silver - Twitter: @JMBullion George Gammon - Rebel Capitalist Pro - Twitter: @GeorgeGammon Sang Lucci & Wall St. Jesus — The Steamroom — Twitter: @wallstjesus and @sanglucci Longest Running Supporters Max Mulvihill - Since 2/2018 Mark Heywood - Since 3/2018 Kyle Thomas - Since 4/2018 Chris Bede - Since 5/2018 Dariusz Kordonski - Since 5/2018 Chris Gerrard - Since 5/2018 Shear Luck - Since 5/2018 Founding Members Of My "FRINGE FINANCE" Column Kashumba - Since 8/2021 Randy Carder - Since 8/2021 T Gaggiotti - Since 8/2021 Jamie - Since 8/2021 A Farmer - Since 9/2021 Harvest Moon Research - Since 9/2021 John H. H. - Since 11/2021 Mark Hutchinson - Since 11/2021 Joseph K. H. - Since 10/2021 A Farmer - Since 9/2021 Tsniezyk - Since 9/2021 Chris - Since 12/2021 All podcast content is subject to this disclaimer. Chris is not an investment adviser. Listeners should always speak to their personal financial advisers. Please leave me alone.