Real Marketing Real Fast


Tips on how to create messaging that connects with your listeners with Scott Brown 

The magic with great, clean messaging is not just that it's persuasive. It may be. But most importantly, it's memorable.
If you boil it all down, I turn smart people into rich people.
What I like to do is think about how you can take your company messaging or your company's story and frame it, putting the audience first rather than yourself. And that's really what clean messaging is all about.
If we could find a way to help entrepreneurs using a framework or a canvas that looks similar to that lean startup canvas or the value prop canvas that helps them really talk to humans, I think we can change the world.
It's now about can what you've built help the person you're talking to?
All the science says that if you go data then intuition, you might win 17% of the time. But if you go intuition and just enough data to support it, you'll win 85% of the time.
It makes me nuts. Storytelling is interesting, but it's not actually the thing. What it is is about, how do I connect as a real human being to another real human being?
And the thing I like to talk to startup founders about is that, imagine what your life would be like if your messaging was as clean as your code.
If you're really going to have that strong clean message, you need everybody on board.
What is the simplest, most poetic way that you can describe your business starting with the listener?
We know that 42% of startup founders who shut down say they shut down because there was no market for their product. But come on, could that really be true?
You want messages that are memorable and repeatable for other people to say on your behalf. And are you planting those in enough places?
Every hour you spend thinking about how you're going to talk to human beings is an hour well-spent because you're your messaging will get tighter and people will start to understand how you can help them.

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Think about how you can take your company messaging and frame it, putting your audience first.

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Doug Morneau: Well, welcome back, listeners. Another episode of Real Marketing Real Fast. Today I think you're in for a real treat because my guest today is Scott Brown. Now, he focuses on empowering startups to rewrite their messaging to fully connect with their listeners. So before you think, "Hmm, I don't know about that," when I ask Scott what he does, he said he helps really smart people become very rich. So, if you consider yourself a smart person and you're interested in becoming very rich, I'd suggest that you do what I did during our interview is grab a piece of paper and a pen and take down some notes because there's a lot of information here.

Doug Morneau: Scott is a former actor turned entrepreneur. And after having started eight companies over the last 25 years, he's covered topics from analgesics to bounced email. Today, Scott is the executive director of a company called UpRamp. He leads ventures and startup engagement for global connectivity industry in beautiful Boulder, Colorado. And he has the dubious honor of spending two and a half million dollars on the 21st worst Super Bowl ad in history.

Doug Morneau: He is an active advisor, investor and author, and he shares his unique blend of startup grit technology and his clean messaging system with startups around the world. So, I'd like to welcome Scott Brown to the Real Marketing Real Fast podcast today. Hey, Scott, I am super excited to have you as a guest today on the Real Mark...