Pascal Pensees - The Reasons Of The Heart - Sadler's Lectures
Sadler's Lectures - Un pódcast de Lectures on classic and contemporary philosophical texts and thinkers by Gregory B. Sadler
This lecture discusses the 16th century philosopher, theologian, and mathematician, Blaise Pascal, and focuses on his work, the Pensees. Specifically it discusses the "heart" and its relationship and distinction from reason in a human being. This is spurred specifically by the famous passage contained in section 277, that runs: "Le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaît point". To support my ongoing work, go to my Patreon site - If you'd like to make a direct contribution, you can do so here - - or at BuyMeACoffee - You can find over 2000 philosophy videos in my main YouTube channel - Purchase Blaise Pascal's Pensees -